Guns of El Chupacabra 1
A Scott Shaw - Donald G. Jackson Zen Film
A Mystical Space Western Rock Opera in the Electric Old West of the Future.

 One Space Sheriff
One Blood Thirty Monster
And One Million Bullets
Guns of El Chupacabra is a Spaghetti Western, Creature Feature, Intergalactic Sci-Fi Action Adventure.


  • International Action Star and Martial Arts Master SCOTT SHAW
  • Penthouse Pet and B-Movie Queen, JULIE STRAIN
  • Co-Creator of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, KEVIN EASTMAN
  • Indie Film Icons, JOE ESTEVEZ and CONRAD BROOKS
  • Action Star DAVID HEAVENER
  • and the Ultimate Hollywood Bad Guy, ROBERT Z'DAR
  • DONALD G. JACKSON also appears in this film.

This film has a great cast of Co-Stars including Julie Lunar Strom, Stacy Nikolova, Herve Estrada, Scott Jones, Joe Haggerty, Robert Mizrahi, Warren Cann, who was one of the founding members of the 1980s New Wave band, Ultravox, and Dee Wallace who was at the height of her Adult Film Superstardom at the time of filming this movie. Plus, Sam Mann who was the inspiration for the Donald G. Jackson film, Hell Comes to Frogtown, as well as co-starring in:
Roller Blade, Roller Blade Warriors and The Roller Blade Seven and Jeff Hutchinson who was also the co-star of Roller Blade plus UFO Secret Video and Elixir: The Queen of Lost Island.


Guns of El Chupacabra is the Epic Saga of how Jack B. Quick, Space Sheriff (Scott Shaw) battles his way across the galaxy to defeat the intergalactic beats, El Chupacabra and emerges as the Reverend Doctor Saint Francis Blade.

Guns of El Chupacabra is a Visually Stunning, Fast Paced, Non-Stop Action-Adventure, with more bullets flying than in a Hong Kong Action Film. The Hollywood Reporter says, “Guns of El Chupacabra takes the Hollywood Action-Adventure Cult Movie to the next level.”


  • In Italy this Zen Film was released as, Armi di El Chupacabra.
  • The Television Series Strange Universe did an episode on Guns of El Chupacabra. Click on the title to view on YouTube.
  • Due to the equipment rented for the editing of Guns of El Chupacabra, Scott Shaw had to edit each scene in reverse, from end to beginning.
  • The 1998 Hollywood Reporter, American Film Market Special Issue, Click on this title to see the listing for Guns of El Chupacabra in the Hollywood Reporter.


  • One of the filming locations for Guns of El Chupacabra was Bronson Cave. A great Hollywood landmark and shooting location that has been used in numerous films and television series including its use as, The Bat Cave, in the 1960s television series, Batman.
  • Guns of El Chupacabra also used Vasquez Rocks as a filming backdrop. This location has been seen in numerous films from the 1920s forward, including Roller Blade Seven.
  • Scenes for Guns of El Chupacabra were also filmed in Los Angeles Chinatown and at Olvera Street, one of the oldest established streets in Los Angeles.
  • Another filming location for this movie was Union Station, Los Angeles. Finished in 1939, this railway hub is a spectacular location that has been used in numerous films, television shows, and commercials. It is known as, "The last great railway station."
  • El Mirage Dry Lake was also used. This is a location where numerous films, commercials, and music videos have been shot; from the 1930s forward.
  • Scenes for this Zen Film were also shot on a movie ranch owned by country music legend, Hoyt Axton.
  • Here is the link to listen to the GREAT Theme Song that the Sin City Boys created for Guns of El Chupacabra.
  • There is also some great music in this film from Sun City Girls and Cowboy Buddha.
Guns of El Chupcabra was filmed on 35mm and 16mm film with the news footage segment filmed on digital video.
The cameras used were:
  • Arriflex 16BR
  • Arriflex 16SR
  • Arriflex BL4
  • Aaton XTR
  • Bolex REX-5
  • Sony VX1000
  • among others.
Special thanks to the
Smithee Awards for the awards give to Guns of El Chupacabra.

Guns of El Chupacabra on TV Guide

Guns of El Chupacabra RiffTrax has just licensed Guns of El Chupacabra. Look for their parody of the film to be released soon.

Guns of El Chupacabra Guns of El Chupacabra Film Trailer on YouTube


There are three films that make up the GUNS OF EL CHUPACABRA TRILOGY. They are:
Plus two additional films:
  • EL CHUPACABRA, the Zen Speed Flick version of the film
  • CRIMES OF EL CHUPACABRA, the PG version of the film
Guns of El Chupacabra
Guns of El Chupacabra DVD
Guns of El Chupacabra on YouTube

Guns of El Chupacabra 2
Guns of El Chupacabra 2: The Unseen DVD
Guns of El Chupacabra 2: The Unseen YouTube Edited Version
This is the second film in the Guns of El Chupacabra Trilogy. It is the prequel/sequel to Guns of El Chupacabra.

Guns of El Chupacabra 3
Guns of El Chupacabra 3: The Lost Interviews DVD
This is the third film in the Guns of El Chupacabra Trilogy. This film peers into the minds of those who have encountered the beast.

Crimes of the Chupacabra
Crimes of the Chupacabra DVD
Crimes of the Chupacabra on Amazon Prime Video
This is the PG version of the Cult Film Classic, Guns of El Chupacabra.
This version was original released only to Asia. Removed is the adult content, replacing it is footage seen in no other version of the film.

El Chupacabra Zen Speed Flick
El Chupacabra: A Zen Speed Flick on YouTube
This is the Zen Speed Flick version of Guns of El Chupacabra. What is a Zen Speed Flick? A Zen Speed Flick is a feature length film cut down to its most essential elements, leaving only the most interesting and fast-paced moments.

Ghost of El Chupacabra
Ghost of El Chupacabra on YouTube
Here's an interesting piece of Guns of El Chupacabra, Zen Filmmaking history for you. This is the piece cut from 16mm work print film to present an extended preview of the movie for buyers at the 1997 American Film Market. This was also the piece that was featured on several television interviews with Scott Shaw and Donald G. Jackson in preparation for the release of this film.

Guns of El Chupacabra in Three Minutes and Thirty Seconds
Guns of El Chupacabra in Three Minuted and Thirty Seconds on YouTube
Here's the movie set to the great theme song composed for the film by Kevin Jollimore and performed by Sin City Boys.


Frogtown News
Frogtown News
Frogtown News DVD
Frogtown News on YouTube
Also, Check out the Scott Shaw Zen Documentary, Frogtown News, where Donald G. Jackson and Scott Shaw discuss some of the foundational elements of this Zen Film.

Guns of El Chupacabra on the television show Strange Universe on YouTube

Smithee Awards
Scott Shaw's speech given to the Smithee Awards for Guns of El Chupacabra on YouTube

To easily order multiple movies visit: The Zen Film DVD Shop.

Zen Filmmaking
The Zen Filmmaking Store
Guns of El Chupacabra Posters, Tee-Shirts, Cups, Towels, Pillows & More.

Guns of El Chupacabra
Scott Shaw Guns of El Chupacabra Signed DVD

There is a Great Chapter in Scott Shaw's book, Zen Filmmaking that details the creation of this film. Click on the title to pick up your copy and find out what really took place.
Zen Filmmaking
Zen Filmmaking

Scott Shaw also presents additional information about Guns of El Chupacabra in these books:
Independent Filmmaking
Independent Filmmaking: Secrets of the Craft

Zen Filmmaking 2
Zen Filmmaking 2: Further Writings on the Cinematic Arts

Zen Filmmaking 3
Zen Filmmaking 3: Expanded Writings on Creative Life and the Cinematic Arts

Zen Filmmkaing 4
Zen Filmmaking 4: Expanded Writings on the Philosophy of Filmmaking

DGJ Cover
Donald G. Jackson: Soldier of Cinema


Showgirls, Teen Wolves, and Astro Zombies: A Film Critic's Year-Long Quest to Find the Worst Movie Ever Made.
There is a great discourse on Guns of El Chupacabra and an interview with Scott Shaw about Zen Filmmaking in the Chapter, Shaw for Sore Eyes, in this book by Michael Adams.

This film is also discussed in such books as:


Kansai Time Out
Scott Shaw and the Art of Zen Filmmaking
Here's a fun article that discusses, Guns of El Chupacabra, among other Scott Shaw Zen Films, that appeared in Kansai Time Out Magazine, Japan.

There is a great article on the creation of Guns of El Chupacabra titled, Guns of El Chupacabra and the Art of Zen Filmmaking, penned by Scott Shaw and published in the 1997, issue #32, of Draculina Magazine.

There is a great article on Guns of El Chupacabra in the July 1998, Volume 7, Number 2 issue of Femme Fatales.

There is also a great interview with Julie Stain and an article on Guns of El Chupacabra in the October 1999, Volume 8, Number 5 issue of Femme Fatales.

This film has also been reviewed or discussed in such magazines as:
  • Gen4
  • VMag
  • Variety
  • Psychotronic
  • Scream Queens
  • Hollywood Reporter


Julie Strain Scott Shaw

Scott Shaw Guns of El Chupacbara


Julie Strain

Scott Shaw The Chupacabra 3

Conrad Brooks Scott Shaw


Robert Z'Dar

Scott Shaw Guns of El Chupacabra

Julie Strain

Scott Shaw

Julie Strain Kevin Eastman Scott Shaw

Scott Shaw Robert Z'Dar

Scott Shaw Guns of El Chupacabra

Scott Shaw Chupacabra Sword

Scott Shaw Santiago Kid

Conrad Brooks Scott Shaw

Scott Shaw

Conrad Brooks

Robert Z'Dar

Chupacabra Run

Kevin Eastman


Scott Shaw Vasquez

Conrad Brooks Scott Shaw

Scott Shaw Guns of El Chupacabra

Chup Rodriguez

Dog Boy

Conrad Brooks Julie Strain


Jeff Hutchinson

Sam Mann


Scott Shaw Guns of El Chupacabra

Scott Shaw Guns of El Chupacabra

Julie Luna Strom

Guns of El Chupacabra

Julie and Mountain Main

Scott Shaw David Heavener

Scott Shaw

Scott Shaw Guns of El Chupacabra

Behind the Scenes:

Scott Shaw Directing
Scott Shaw directing some action on Guns of El Chupacabra.

Chup Jonathan
Preparing for a scene on Guns of El Chupacabra.

Donald G. Jackson and Jimmy Williams
Jimmy Williams and Donald G. Jackson

Donald G. Jackson Scott Shaw
Donald G. Jackson and Scott Shaw Filming on the Set of Guns of El Chupacabra

Scott Shaw Guns of El Chupacabra
Behind the Scenes on Guns of El Chupacabra.

Scott Shaw Conrad Brooks Donald G. Jackson
Scott Shaw, Conrad Brooks, Donald G. Jackson on the set of Guns of El Chupacabra.

Scott Shaw Kevin Eastman Conrad Brooks
Scott Shaw, Kevin Eastman, Conrad Brooks behind the scenes on Guns of El Chupacabra

Scott Shaw Donald G. Jackosn AFM
Scott Shaw and Donald G. Jackson at the 1997 American Film Market where an extended trailer of Guns of El Chupacabra premiered under its original title, El Chupacabra

Robert Z'Dar Scott Shaw
Donald G. Jackson, Robert Z'Dar, Scott Shaw, and Conrad Brooks at the 1998 American Film Market where Guns of El Chupacabra Premiered

Scott Shaw Strange Universe
Scott Shaw and Donald G. Jackson being interviewed for the television show, Strange Universe, on the set of Guns of El Chupacabra

Scott Shaw and Joe Estevez 2023.


Guns of El Chupacabra Art


This is one of the Promo One-Sheets that was used for publicity for Guns of El Chupacabra.

Guns of El Chupacabra Poster
Here is the 1997 Production Poster for Guns of El Chupacabra with its original title, El Chupacabra.

Guns of El Chupacabra 1997
Here is the first poster designed for Guns of El Chupacbara used at the 1997 American Film Market.

Guns of El Chupacabra 1998
Here is the first Official Release Poster for Guns of El Chupacabra.

1998 Guns of El Chupacabra Poster
Here's the second poster designed for Guns of El Chupacabra.

Chupacabra Theater Card
Here's the 1998 Promo Insert for Guns of El Chupacabra.

1998 Chup Video Box
Here is the original 1998 VHS Video Tape Box for Guns of El Chupacabra.
Video Tapes… Remember those?

Guns of El Chupacabra Credit Card
Guns of El Chupacabra had credit cards created as a promotional tool for the 1998 American Film Market.


Hollywood International
Here was my business card back in the days of Guns of El Chupacabra.

All Photographs Copyright © 1997 and 1998—All Rights Reserved