Scott Shaw TKD Times
Scott Shaw Published Articles on the Martial Arts

Here is a list of some of the Articles on the Martial Arts, written by Scott Shaw, that were published over the past thirty years.


Street Savvy Self-Defense
Fighting Journal (Russia) - July 2018

To Ki or Not To Ki
Fighting Journal (Russia) - April 2018

The Intercepting Kicks of Taekwondo
Fighting Journal (Russia) - January 2018

Keep it Tight Keep it Simple
Fighting Journal (Russia) - August 2017

The Overthrow in Hapkido
Fighting Journal (Russia) - June 2017

Simply Lean
Fighting Journal (Russia) - March 2017

The Art of the Push
Fighting Journal (Russia) - January 2017

Is Deflection Every Enough?
Fighting Journal (Russia) - October 2016

Understanding the Black Belt
Fighting Journal (Russia) - July 2016

Everybody Wants To Fight but Nobody Knows How To Fight
Fighting Journal (Russia) - April 2016

Remove all the Extras
Fighting Journal (Russia) - March 2016

They Never Say Thank You
Fighting Journal (Russia) - January 2016

Learning How to Take a Punch
Fighting Journal (Russia) - November 2015

Environmental Fighting
Moosin Magazine - October 2015

The Front Kick: Simplicity in Action
Moosin Magazine - August 2015

Feet First
Taekwondo (Japan) - May 2015

Adapt and Readapt
Fighting Journal (Russia) - April 2015

Ego, Dominance, and Defending Against the Sucker Punch
Fighting Journal (Russia) - February 2015

The History of the Korean Martial Arts (Denmark) - January 2015

The Fight Inside the Forms
Taekwondo (Japan) - January 2015

How To Be a Private Instructor of the Martial Arts
Moosin Magazine - August 2014

Kevin Eastman: Meet the Martial Artist Who Created The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
MA Success - August 2014

Refining the Martial Arts
Moosin Magazine - July 2014

The Forgotten Fists of Taekwondo
Moosin Magazine - June 2014
Republished from Black Belt Magazine

The Foundations of Self-Defense
Moosin Magazine - May 2014
Taken from The Tao of Self-Defense by Scott Shaw

Thoughts on the Modern Martial Arts
Moosin Magazine - May 2014

Rafael Lovato, Jr. Role Model
MA Success - April 2014

Keeping Our Children Safe
MA Success - April 2014

The Three D's of Self-Defense
Moosin Magazine - April 2014

Integrating Hapkido and Taekwondo
Moosin Magazine - April 2014
Republished from Taekwondo Times

Girls in Gis
MA Success - February 2014

When Disaster Strikes
MA Success - January 2014

How To Maximize Your Holiday Pro-Shop Sales
MA Success - November 2013

School Survival in a Military Town
MA Success - August 2013

One Price Fits All: A Tuition that Includes Everything
MA Success - July 2013

One Course Wizard: 500 Students and 96% Retention
MA Success - January 2013

How to Create a Dream Team of Leaders in Your School
MA Success - December 2012

The Tragic Story of Bully Victim Tyler Long
MA Success - December 2012

For Colorado Mega-School Owner: Bigger is Better
MA Success - September 2012

Krav Maga Universal: A New Marriage of Marketing and Physical Techniques
MA Success - August 2012

Wal-Mart: The Next Revolution of Martial Art Schools
MA Success - August 2012

How to Create a Prosperous School in Just Two Years
MA Success - July 2012

How to Get Your School on T.V. for Free
MA Success - March 2012

The Revolution
MA Success - January 2012

Bruce Lee - His Legacy Lives On! Shannon Lee and the Bruce Lee Foundation
MA Success - August 2011

Aron Ralston: Turning Tragedy into Triumph
MA Success - July 2011

Contemporary Jeet Kune Do: The Evolution of Bruce Lee's JKD with Paul Vunak
MA Success - April 2011

Whiz-Kid Aaron Lawrence and the Perspective of Youth, Inc.
MA Success - April 2011

Everything is Bigger in Texas: Including this Super School
MA Success - March 2011

3 Years Open & 725 Students: How To Do It
MA Success - February 2011

Schools That Thrive on Retention
MA Success - December 2010

It's a Family Affair
MA Success - November 2010

The Young-at-Heart Elder Statesman of the Martial Arts
MA Success - September 2010

After-School Program Earns School Owner $350,000.00 a Year
MA Success - August 2010

Dave Kovar: The Teacher of Teacher Received MAIA's Lifetime Achievement Award
MA Success - August 2010

Tiger-Rock International (ITA) 30,000 Members Strong and Still Growing
MA Success - July 2010

Karate - Japan - January 2010

What Makes Independent Schools Great?
MA Success - November 2009

Tough Times? TASMA to the Rescue
MA Success - July 2009

The Forgotten Fists of Taekwondo
Black Belt - June 2009

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
MA Success - April 2009

A Penchant for Retention
MA Success - March 2009

Listen up! How to Publicize Your School on the Radio
MA Success - January 2009

How a Great Staff Leads to Success
MA Success - November 2008

Asking the Masters (Scott Shaw Q & A)
Martial Arts Illustrated, U.K. - November 2008

How to Feed New Students into Your School Through Satellite Programs
MA Success - October 2008

Richard Bustillo: Keeping the Reality of Bruce Lee Alive
MA Success - June 2008

The Secret of Multi-School Success: High Quality Instructors
MA Success - April 2008

Sideswipe: Raising the Bar for Performance Teams
MA Success - March 2008

How to Implement a Padded Weapons Program Into Your Curriculum
MA Success - February 2008

How to Accelerate Yours School's Growth
MA Success - February 2008

XMA: The Second Revolution
MA Success - January 2008

Bill Superfoot Wallace: Superfoot's Legacy
MA Success - December 2007

USA Taekwondo's New Martial Arts Commission
MA Success - November 2007

How to Operate a School in a Highly Competitive Market
MA Success - October 2007

Walking Down the Aisle of the Martial Arts
MA Success - September 2007

Ernie Reyes Sr.: Performer Extraordinaire'
MA Success - August 2007

No-Frills Taekwondo Success
MA Success - June 2007

Mixed Martial Arts Integration: The Next Revolution
MA Success - May 2007

USA Taekwondo: American's New Olympic Governing Body
MA Success - February 2007

USA Judo: Olympic Group Welcomes All Martial Artists
MA Success - December 2006

Once a Teacher - Always a Teacher
MA Success - December 2006

Successful Taekwondo with No Bells and Whistles
Martial Arts Professional - December 2006

How to Operate a Martial Art Super School
Martial Arts Professional - October 2006

Back to the Basics: Joint Locks for Self-Defense
Taekwondo Times - September 2006

Chuck Norris: The Martial Arts Icon Who Defines Excellence
MA Success - August 2006

Herb Perez: Bringing the Olympic Gold Medal to the Masses
MA Success - July 2006

How to Teach High Quality Classes
Martial Arts Professional - April 2006

MAIA Elite: Take Your Business to the Next Level
MA Success - April 2006

The New Premier Martial Arts Licensing Program
MA Success - February 2006

Jump Back: Mastering the Most Difficult Kicks of the Korean Martial Arts
Black Belt - January 2006

Former Power Ranger Powers Up Two Schools
MA Success - January 2006

The Success Secrets of Multi-School Owners
MA Success - December 2005

The ATA One Million Active Members and Growing
MA Success - October 2005

Perception of Your School is Everything
MA Success - September 2005

Bigger Isn't Always Better: Net Income and the Martial Arts
Martial Arts Professional - August 2005

Adaptation: The Science of Teaching the Disabled
Martial Arts Professional - May 2005

David Carradine: More Than Just a Legend, He Started a Revolution
MA Success - April 2005

Taekwondo's Strategy Against the Street Punch
Taekwondo Times - March 2005

Fitness Kickboxing: The Second Revolution
Martial Arts Professional - Match 2005

The Science of Survival
MA Success - December 2004

Passion, Plan, Belief: The Three Keys to Success
Martial Arts Professional - December 2004

ATA and XMA: Old School Meets the New School and They Like Each Other
MA Success - October 2004

Peace In Peace Out
Llewellyn Magazine - September 2004

Success Through Organization
MA Success - August 2004

Lien Chi: Energizing Your Body with Golden Chi Kung
New Living Magazine - July 2004

The Children Are the Future
Martial Arts Professional - July 2004

Yoga Breathing: Pranayama Made Easy
Healthy Lifestyle Magazine - May/June 2004

Miko Nishiuchi: The Last Real Samurai
MA Success - May 2004

Randy Couture: Lord of the Rings
MA Success - April 2004

The Throws of Hapkido: When They Work, When they Don't
Taekwondo Times - March 2004

The Art of Attracting the Adult Student
MA Success - January 2004

Lean and Fit: More than Just Aerobics for Kicks
MA Success - September 2003

Billy Blanks: Tradition with Rhythm
MA Success - July 2003

Beyond Fighting
MA Success - May 2003

Royce Gracie: From King of the Ring to Road Warrior
MA Success - April 2003

Teach 100 Students in One Class with the Rotating Curriculum
MA Success - February 2003

Krav Maga
MA Success - January 2003

The Way of the Sword: The History and Development of Kumdo
Martial Arts - December 2002

Mike Swan: Judo Champ Flips into Entrepreneurial Success
MA Success - December 2002

Martial Art Industry Association: What a Year
MA Success - November 2002

Integrating Taekwondo and Hapkido
Taekwondo Times - July 2002

USTU: Taekwondo's Olympic Side Kick
MA Success - July 2002

Hapkido: Intercepting the Energy of an Attack
CFW Enterprises - June 2002

Movement: Hapkido's Secret of Self Defense
Taekwondo Times - March 2002

Taekwondo Forms: Uncovering the Self-Defense Moves Within Traditional Taekwondo Patterns
Black Belt - February 2002

Self-Defense for the Street: The Principals of Continuous Motion
World Budo Alliance On-Line Articles - January 2002

The Art of Kumdo
Martial Arts Combat Sports - January 2002

Unleash the Pain: Hapkido Joint Locks
Taekwondo - November 2001

Foundations of Self-Defense
Inner Self Magazine - May 2001

Self-Defense the Hapkido Way: The Dynamics of Distance, Control, and Deflection
Martial Arts Combat Sports - April 2001

Solo Training in the Martial Arts
Martial Art Legends Presents: Combat Fitness - February 2001 

The Foundations of Self-Defense
Inner Self Magazine - November 2000

Deflection: The Heart and Soul of Hapkido
Taekwondo Times - September 2000

Hapkido: Intercepting the Energy of an Attack
Martial Arts Combat & Sports - June 2000

Kumdo: Just How Korean is Korea's Way of the Sword
Black Belt - May 2000

Fighting Secrets from Traditional Taekwondo
Black Belt - February 2000

Korea and the Historical Foundations of Ki
Qi: The Journal of Traditional Eastern Health and Fitness - Winter 1999 - 2000

The Staff of the Korean Martial Arts
Martial Art Legends - November 1999

Korean Qi Gong
Martial Arts Illustrated - October 1999

Hapkido Grappling: Tradition Verses No-Holds-Barred
Taekwondo Times - September 1999

Get Into the Moment
Whole Life Times - May 1999

Defending Against the Sucker Punch
Kick - Germany - May 1999

History of Taekwondo - On-Line Articles 1999

History of Hapkido: A Korean Martial Art - On-Line Articles 1999

History of the Korean Martial Arts - On-Line Articles 1999

Scott Shaw: Straight to the Heart of Hapkido (Interview)
Taekwondo Times - November 1998

Raising Cane: Hapkido's Street Legal Self Defense Weapon
Inside Karate - November 1998

Redefining the Taekwondo Jumping Front Kick
Black Belt - October 1998

The History of Taekwondo
USMA On-Line - Martial Art History 1998

The History of Hapkido
USMA On-Line - Martial Art History 1998

Hapkido's Theory of Circular Self Defense
USMA On-Line - Articles 1998

Hapkido's Theory of Circular Self-Defense
USJJF On-Line Articles 1998

The Front Kick: Devastatingly Simple
Inside Karate - January 1998

Scott Shaw's Hapkido
Kick - Germany - December 1997

This is Very Dangerous - Editorial
Inside Karate - December 1997

The Low Kicks of Taekwondo
Black Belt - September 1997

Hapkido's Circular Method of Self Defense
Inside Karate - August 1997

Scott Shaw: Hapkido American Style (Interview)
Karate - Japan - June 1997

Up Against the Wall
Inside Karate - May 1997

Free Yourself: Hapkido's Defense Against the Grabbing Attack
Inside Karate - April 1997

Hapkido Interception
Inside Karate - February 1997

Lei Chi: Energizing Your Body with Golden Chi
New Living Magazine - 1996

Scott Shaw: Philosophy and the Martial Arts (Interview)
Martial Art Masters - September 1996

Hapkido: Self Defense with Ki
Inside Karate - September 1996

The Ki in Hapkido
Qi: The Journal of Traditional Eastern Health and Fitness - Winter 1996

From the Ground Up: Techniques n Ground Fighting
Limited Infinity Research Center - August 1996

Hapkido Ground Fighting Techniques
Inside Karate - August 1996

The Linear Kicks of Teakwondo
Black Belt - July 1996

Hapkido: Elements of Deflection
Inside Karate - May 1996

The Equipment Training Techniques of Taekwondo Master, Hee Il Cho
Inside Taekwondo - December 1995

So You Want to be a Martial Art Movie Star
Martial Art Movies - November 1995

Tae Mon Kwon: Hapkido Philosophy Converted to Combat
Inside Taekwondo - September 1995

Take 'em Down: Hapkido's Defense Against the Korean Kick
Inside Taekwondo - July 1995

Taekwondo Kicks: How to Use Them, How to Beat Them
Black Belt - June 1995

Chuck Merriman's Words of Wisdom
Martial Arts Legends - June 1995

How to Effectively Train at Home
Secrets of the Masters - May 1995

Hapkido Knife Defense: Don't Get Stuck
Inside Karate - April 1995

Hapkido: Joint Locks for Self Defense
Inside Karate - March 1995

Dana Hee: From Olympic Gold Medalist to Hollywood Stuntwoman
Inside Taekwondo March - 1995

Raising Cane: Body Locks and Throws with the Hapkido Cane
Inside Taekwondo - February 1995

Grabbed From Behind
Inside Karate - February 1995

Hapkido Grappling Techniques
Black Belt - December 1994

Conrad Palmisano: The Man Who Puts the Action in the Action Adventure
Martial Arts Movies - December 1994

Closing the Gap
Inside Taekwondo - November 1994

James Lew: He Gained His Fame The Hard Way - He Earned It
Martial Arts Movies - November 1994

Lights, Camera, Action: The Other Life of Scott Shaw (Interview)
Inside Taekwondo - November 1994

Hapkido In-Fighting
Inside Karate - October 1994

Simon Rhee: Class Act in a Reel Story
Inside Taekwondo - October 1994

Hapkido Knee Fighting
Martial Art Masters - September 1994

Foot Intercepts Fist: The Dynamics of the Defensive Kick
Masters & Styles - July 1994

Lock 'em and Throw 'em Hapkido Style
Inside Karate - July 1994

The Hapkido Cane
Taekwondo Times - May 1994

Hapkido Verses Street Weapons
Masters and Styles - April 1994

Defense Against the Taekwondo Kick
Black Belt - April 1994

Taekwondo's Street Savvy Kicks
Inside Taekwondo - April 1994

No Holds Barred: Self Defense for the Streets that Works
Inside Karate - March 1994

Hapkido Ground Fighting
Karate Kung Fu Illustrated - February 1994

Go With the Flow: Principals of Continuous Motion
Inside Karate - February 1994

The Korean Short Staff
Inside Taekwondo - February 1994

Cardio-Aerobic Kickboxing: Heath Craze of the 90's
Martial Art Masters - January 1994

Tae Kwon Do's Continuing Evolution
Inside Tae Kwon Do - December 1993

Hapkido's Circular Kicks: Straight to the Point
The Complete Guide to Kicking and Stretching 1993

The Motion Philosophy of Self-Defense
Inside Taekwondo - December 1993

Taekwondo's Arsenal of Spinning Kicks
Black Belt - December 1993

Real Verse Reel: The Secret of Dual Purpose Fighting
Masters & Styles - November 1993

The Knife Hand
Inside Karate - November 1993

Kumdo: The Korean Art of the Sword
Martial Art Masters - September 1993

Samurai Iai-do: A look at Japanese Swordsmanship
Inside Karate - September 1993

Hapkido: Self Defense with a Vengeance
Inside Taekwondo - August 1993

Hapkido's Circular Theory of Defense
Black Belt - July 1993

The Hapkido Cane: Street Legal Weaponry
Inside Karate - June 1993

Stay Focused: The Continuing Development of Your Offensive Arsenal at Home
Karate Illustrated - May 1993

Defend and Counter with the Feet
Inside Karate - May 1993

Economy of Motion: The Offense of Defense
Inside Karate - March 1993