Scott Shaw Vampire Noir
A Scott Shaw Zen Film

Blood Red in Black & White

Vampire Noir is docudrama thriller that finds Vampire Hunter, Jedediah "Waco" Diesel (Scott Shaw) saving his friend, Diamond (Kevin Thompsons), who makes his living as a pimp, from the grasp of a seductive vampire (Marciya K. Lau) only to find out that Diamond is a cold-blooded psycho killer.

Vividly filmed, in Black & White, AT NIGHT, in Hollywood and San Francisco, California.

Vampire Noir stars Scott Shaw, Kevin Thompson, Marciya K. Lau and Sedreana Saldana.

Actress and Filmmaker Hae Won Shin makes a special appearance in this film.


  • In Italy this film was released as, Il Vampiro Noir.

  • Eastwood Guitars gave Scott Shaw an Eastwood Airline Map DLX electric guitar so he could use it in association with the production of Vampire Black: Trail of the Dead.

Vampire Noir Art

Vampire Noir Vampire Noir Film Trailer on YouTube

Vampire Noir
Vampire Noir DVD
Vampire Noir on YouTube
Vampire Noir on Amazon Prime Video

Vampire Black
Vampire Black Trail of the Dead DVD
Vampire Black Trail of the Dead YouTube Edited Version
Vampire Black Trail of the Dead on Amazon Prime Video
You can also take a more expansive look into the background of the central characters of this film in the longer, reedited version, Vampire Black: Trail of the Dead.

To easily order multiple movies visit: The Zen Film DVD Shop.

Zen Filmmaking
The Zen Filmmaking Store for
Vampire Noir Posters, Tee-Shirts, Cups, Towels, Pillows & More

Vampire Noir
Information about the film @ TV Guide

Mais Vampiros No Cinema
There is a great book, presented in Portuguese, that has been released titled, Mais Vampiros No Cinema. This book discusses Vampire Cinema. The author, Ricardo Massato Miura, details some of the Vampire Based Zen Films created by Scott Shaw, including Vampire Noir within its pages, along with a lot of other great films.

This Zen Film is also discussed in such books as:
Vampirefilme Vampirfilme — Die ersten hundert Jahre (1915 - 2015)


Vampire Noir

Marciya Lau

Sedreana Saldana

Scott Shaw Kevin Thompson

Kevin Thompson Marciya Lau

Scott Shaw Marciya Lau

All Photographs Copyright © 2007—All Rights Reserved