The Lie of Wikipedia
I received an email today… Well, better put, I was forwarded an email today as I never accept my emails directly—as long ago I realized that so much of what comes my way I just do not want to read. The positive and the informative; yes. The negative; forget about it.
Anyway, and in any case, it was someone pitching me to work with my page on Wikipedia. In brief what I was presented with was, “A well-maintained Wikipedia page can significantly enhance your professional visibility, establish credibility, and provide a valuable resource for industry professionals, fans, and potential collaborators. I can assist you in creating or updating your Wikipedia page to accurately reflect your contributions to the world of filmmaking. My expertise ensures your page adheres to Wikipedia's guidelines while effectively showcasing your directorial work, acting roles, producing credits, and other relevant achievements. I'm committed to a collaborative process, working closely with you to ensure your page aligns with your vision and reflects your career accurately.”
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not dising this guy in any regard. But, my first thought was, if he is into what I do, why doesn’t he just do it? What doesn’t he focus on working on my Wikipedia page and make it as good as it can be without contacting me? I’m guessing—and it’s only a guess, but he probably wants some money for doing what he is discussing. Which, would be against Wikipedia policy. But, I’m sure that kind of stuff goes on all the time.
I mean, as much as I disagree with the entire concept and the practice of Wikipedia, we all look to Wikipedia for information about a person or a subject every now and then. Me, too. But, if you take the time to look at the edit history on those pages, you can see if someone is helping or hurting. And, this has been my complaint since the dawning of the platform, anyone can say anything, and if no one challenges what is said, it becomes the truth in the annals of internet history.
I’ve told this story in the past, but way back in the way back when, when Wikipedia was new, I saw that someone had posted a completely ravaging life history of Steven Seagal. Now, I had met Seagal in Japan, before he came back to the U.S. of A., and became a star. No big deal. He tried to play all-Japanese with me and would only speak to me in Japanese. Whatever… And, having been in the film game for a time, the stunt people I’ve known all have had nothing nice to say about the man. Again, whatever… Anyway, I noticed that his page on Wikipedia was a complete attack, salted with a few random facts. So, as anyone can edit on Wikipedia, I went over it and cleaned it up. Why not spread the truth over lies, negativity, and hatred?
Here lies the problem I see with Wikipedia; anyone can edit anything. If it is not caught, it is out there forever… This goes for both the blatantly positive or the obviously negative.
Like I say, we all look to Wikipedia from time to time. But, do you look to the edit history and to whom is doing and proclaiming what? Most people do not. They just read what is written and believe it to be the truth.
So, here’s this guy, offering his services to make my Wikipedia page better or more or whatever… Okay… Again, if you care that much about me, why not just do it? People edit on Wikipedia all the time! Anyone can do it!
All this caused me to look at my Wikipedia page. It’s not negative, but it’s not what it once was. A lot of the information that was once up there is gone. It’s all fairly thin. Thin, compared to all I have worked for and/or have done. All the true truths are not up there like they once were.
Then, I looked through the history and it looks like a few years back someone hit it hard. I guess they didn’t like me. Why, I have no idea??? That used to happen more often on Wikipedia. Someone would get a thorn in their paw, based on whatever, and hit a person’s profile. Anyway, it looks like someone did stand up for some of my something, but a lot of the truth(s) are gone. Now what? What if your truths are taken away from you?
So, this is just something to think about as you think about that someone else. What do you truly know about them? Moreover, where do you find your information about them and who provided it? And, is what you know, or what you find, the true truth or is it simply someone’s interpretation, motivated by either negative or positive emotions or what someone is willing to pay to get the truth they want to be know about them out there to the world?