Scott Shaw Books
Scott Shaw has written numerous books. Many of these titles have been translated into various languages and published across the globe. He has also contributed to a number of books written by other authors and editors.
Scott's writing spans the gambit from Spirituality, to Martial Arts, to Filmmaking, onto Literature, Poetry, Photo Essays, Philosophy, and the Social Sciences.
Books by Scott Shaw can be purchased at your local bookstore or can be ordered online. Here is the Scott Shaw Books at Amazon page where you can find many of his titles.
Click on the titles below and you will be taken to where you can find out more information about each book.
Scott Shaw's Author Biography at
To view Scott Shaw books in specific categories click on the links below:
- Scott Shaw Novels
- Scott Shaw Blog Books
- Scott Shaw Poetry Books
- Scott Shaw Martial Art Books
- Scott Shaw Books on Filmmaking
- Scott Shaw Books of Photography
- Scott Shaw International Publications
- Scott Shaw Books on Zen, Yoga & Human Consciousness

About Peace: 108 Ways to be at Peace When Things are Out of Control

Advanced Taekwondo

Apostrophe Zen: Further Zen Ramblings from the Internet

Arc Left from Istanbul: A Photographic Exploration

Ballet for a Funeral

Bangkok and the Nights of Drunken Stupor

Bangkok: Beyond the Buddha: A Photographic Exploration

Buddha in the Looking Glass: Further Zen Ramblings from the Internet

Bus Ride…(s)

Cairo Before the Aftermath: A Photographic Exploration

Cambodian Refugees in Long Beach, California: The Definitive Study

Chi Kung for Beginners

China Deep

Coffee House Zen

Donald G. Jackson: Soldier of Cinema

Echoes from Hell

El Ki o la energia dinamica (Spanish Edition)

El Pequeno Libro del Tiempo (Spanish Edition)

El Pequeño Libro De La Respiración

El pequeño libro de la respiración yoga : pranayama fácil y práctico


Essence The Zen of Everything

Fade into Obscurity

Flash Point Zen

Fragments of Paradox: Further Zen Ramblings from the Internet

Fragments: Unfinished Writings

Garage Sale Zen

Ghost of the Lost Buddha

Guangzhou: A Photographic Exploration

Hapkido Articles on Self-Defense: Volume One

Hapkido Articles on Self-Defense: Volume Two

Hapkido: Korean Art of Self-Defense

Hapkido: Essays on Self Defense

Hapkido: Хапкидо. Корейское искусство самообороны

Hong Kong Out of Focus: A Photographic Exploration

Il fluire del ki. Segreti coreani per coltivare l'energia dinamica

Independent Filmmaking: Secrets of the Craft

In the Foreboding Shadows of Holiness

Israel in the Oblique: A Photographic Exploration

Junk: The Back Streets of Bangkok

Kathmandu and Beyond: A Photographic Exploration

L.A. Street Shots: A Photographic Exploration

L.A.: Tales from the Suburban Side of Hell

Last Will and Testament According to the Divine Rites of the Drug Cocaine

Left Turn at Reality Central: Further Zen Ramblings from the Internet

Lens Flare Kyoto: A Photographic Exploration

Los Angeles Koreatown: An Urban Geographical View of the Factors That Lead to It's Inception & It's Current Urbanization

La vita secondo lo zen

Love Lived Too Long

Lo zen e la vita

Macau in Black and White: A Photographic Exploration

Marguerite Duras and Charles Bukowski: The Yin And Yang Of Modern Erotic Literature

Mastering Health: The A To Z of Chi Kung

Niết bàn

Nirvana in a Nutshell: 157 Zen Meditations
Nirvana in a Nutshell 157 Zen Reflections Hardcover

No Kisses for the Sinner

Northern Thailand: Chiang Mai and Beyond: A Photographic Exploration

One Word Meditations

On the Hard Edge of Hollywood

Obscurist Occulto: Hiding from the Definition of Meaning

Paris in November: A Photographic Exploration

Particle Zen and the Life Science of Becoming No Thing

Principles of the Precepts: Further Zen Ramblings from the Internet

Pyrophoric Zen: Further Zen Ramblings from the Internet

Rangoon and Mandalay: A Photographic Exploration

The Roller Blade Seven: A Photographic Exploration

Sake in a Glass, Sushi with your Fingers: Fifteen Minutes in Tokyo

Samurai Zen

Scream of the Buddha

Scream: Southeast Asia and the Dream

Screening of the Scription

Screenshot Bangkok: A Photographic Exploration

Screenshot Hong Kong: A Photographic Exploration

Screenshot Istanbul: A Photographic Exploration

Screenshot Jerusalem and Tel Aviv: A Photographic Exploration

Screenshot Macau: A Photographic Exploration

Screenshot Reykjavik: A Photographic Exploration

Screenshot Singapore: A Photographic Exploration

Screenshot Tokyo: A Photographic Exploration

Scribbles on the Restroom Wall

Sedona Realm of the Vortex: A Photographic Exploration

Shama Baba

Shanghai Whispers Shanghai Screams

Shattered Thoughts

Simple Bliss

Singapore Off Center: A Photographic Exploration

Skid Row 1983: A Photographic Exploration

Snapshot Pagan, Burma: A Photographic Exploration

Snapshot Tibet: A Photographic Exploration

South Korea in a Blur: A Photographic Exploration

Suicide Slowly

Taekwondo. 50 essential techniques /BI.Taekvondo.50 osnovnykh priemov

Taekwondo Basics
Taekwondo Basics New Edition

Taekwondo Căn bản

Tempest in a Teapot and the Den of Zen

Ten to Thirty

The Abstract Arsenal of Zen and the Psychology of Being: Further Zen Ramblings from the Internet

The Chronicles: Zen Ramblings from the Internet

The Ki Process: Korean Secrets for Cultivating Dynamic Energy

The Little Book of Yoga Breathing: Pranayama Made Easy

The Little Book of Yoga Meditation

The Little Book of Zen Meditation

The Lyrics

The Most Beautiful Woman in Shanghai

The Passionate Kiss of Illusion
The Screenplays
The Tao of Chi
The Tao of Self-Defense
The Voodoo Buddha
The Warrior is Silent: Martial Arts and the Spiritual Path
The Warrior is Silent: Martial Arts and the Spiritual Path at Simon & Schuster
The Zen of Life, Lies, and Aberrant Reality
The Zen of Modern Life and the Reality of Reality
The Zen of Volume Destiny
TKO: A Lost Night in Tokyo
Tokyo Another Glance: A Photographic Exploration
Urban India: Bombay, Delhi, Lucknow: A Photographic Exploration
Varanasi and Bodh Gaya: Shade of the Bodhi Tree: A Photographic Exploration
Wet Dreams and Placid Silence
Words in the Wind: Further Zen Ramblings from the Internet
Wo' Ton of the Blue Vision: Further Zen Ramblings from the Internet
Yoga: A Spiritual Guidebook
Yoga the Inner Journey
Yosemite End of the Winter: A Photographic Exploration
Zen and Again: The Metaphysical Philosophy of Psychology
Zen and Modern Consciousness
Zen and Notes for Nothing
Zen and the Ambient Echo: The Psychological Philosophy of Being
Zen and the Distinct Passageway to Nowhere
Zen and the Inflection of the Reflection
Zen and the Last Call of the Illusion
Zen and the Outside of the Inside
Zen and the Psychology of the Spiritual Something: Further Zen Ramblings from the Internet
Zen and the Search for Suchness
Zen and the Shadows of the Flower
Zen Buddhism: The Pathway To Nirvana
Zen Filmmaking
Zen Filmmaking 2: Further Writings on the Cinematic Arts
Zen Filmmaking 3: Expanded Writings on Creative Life and the Cinematic Arts
Zen Filmmaking 4: Expanded Writings on the Philosophy of Filmmaking
Zen Filmmaking: The Manifesto
Zen in the Blink of an Eye
Zen, Life, and the Metaphysics of the Metaphysical: Further Zen Ramblings from the Internet
Zen Mind Life Thoughts
Zen O'Clock: Time To Be
Zen: Tales from the Journey
Zen: Traversing the Entity of Nonentity: Further Zen Ramblings from the Internet
Here are a few of the books Scott Shaw contributed to and recommends:
Click on the Titles:
Joe Estevez: Wiping Off the Sheen
Scott wrote the introduction for this book.
Gods in Polyester: Or, a Survivors' Account of 70's Cinema Obscura
Scott wrote a chapter for this book.
Ultimate Guide to Tae Kwon Do
Scott contributed two chapters for this book.
The Ultimate Martial Arts Q and A Book: 750 Expert Answers to Your Essential Questions
Scott wrote the majority of the Korean martial arts section used in this book.
The Martial Arts Sourcebook
Scott wrote the Chinese history section for this book.
Tuttle Dictionary of the Martial Arts of Korea, China and Japan
Scott was the editor for the Korean language section of this book.
The Law of Attraction: Making it Work for You!
Scott wrote the introduction for this book.
Here is a list of some of the books that discuss or reference Scott Shaw:
- Film Directors
- Film Writers Directory
- The Martial Arts Encyclopedia
- Film Directors: A Complete Guide
- Joe Estevez: Wiping Off the Sheen
- Who's Who in Entertainment 1998-1999
- Science Fiction Film Directors, 1895-1998
- Samurai: Webster's Timeline History, 1147 - 2007
- Film Producers, Studios, Agents and Casting Directors Guide
- The Hollywood Who's Who: The Actors and Directors in Today's Hollywood
- Scott Shaw: A true story: an uncommon experience relating to my boyhood
- Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Film and Television Credits, Vol. 2: Filmography
- Cinematographers, Production Designers, Costume Designers and Film Editors Guide
- Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television. Volume 104 (Extensive Biography and Filmography)
- Showgirls, Teen Wolves, and Astro Zombies: A Film Critic's Year-Long Quest to Find the Worst Movie Ever Made
Here is a list of some of the books that reference or mention the writings of Scott Shaw:
- 277 Mil
- Zen 1011
- Yoga for the Joy of It!
- The Blood of the Saints
- Self-Massage for Athletes
- Martial Arts For Dummies
- Taekwondo (Science Behind Sports)
- Asian American Genealogical Sourcebook
- Revealing the Sacred in Asian and Pacific America
- See Sally Kick Ass: A Woman's Guide to Personal Safety
- Modern Magick: Twelve Lessons in the High Magickal Arts
- The Oxford Handbook of Governance and Limited Statehood
- The Promise: Make Your Life Rich by Discovering Your Best Self
- Traditional Taekwondo: Core Techniques, History and Philosophy
- Yoga: An Annotated Bibliograpy of Works in English, 1981-2005
- Birding and Mysticism Volume 2: Enlightenment Through Bird Watching
- Vera vita di Bruce Lee. Storia, ambizioni e caduta di uno spirito guerriero
- Practices of Freedom: Re-disciplining Bodies Through Martial Arts (Dissertation)
- Survivors: Cambodian Refugees in the United States (Asian American Experience)
- Spirits of the Lesser Gods: A Critical Examination of Reiki and Christ-Centered Healing
- The Local Scenes and Global Culture of Psytrance (Routledge Studies in Ethnomusicology)
- Cracking the Glass Darkly: Discovering the Power and the Ecstasy of Your True, Cosmic Self
- Sanatan Dharma Fundamentals of Hinduism: An Overview of Hindu Spirituality (Dissertation)
- Psychological and Spiritual Factors in Martial Arts Programs for People with Physical Disabilities
- Healthy Selfitude: A practical approach to self-acceptance using performing arts and yoga techniques
- Big Questions, Worthy Dreams: Mentoring Emerging Adults in Their Search for Meaning, Purpose, and Faith
- Beyond words: pornography and style translated in Charles Bukowski’s two poems from Love is a Dog from Hell
- Not Just Victims: Conversations with Cambodian Community Leaders in the United States (Asian American Experience)
- Living Agelessly: Answers to Your Most Common Questions About Aging Gracefully (A DiaMedica Guide to Optimum Wellness)
- Mindfulness and Meditation Workshops for Eating Disorder Recovery — A guidebook for RYT yoga instructors and licensed psychotherapists
Here is a list of some of the books that detail or discuss Zen Filmmaking and/or the films of Scott Shaw:
- Depp
- The Art of Movies
- American Monsters
- The Dracula Syndrome
- The Golden Age of Crap
- Mais Vampiros No Cinema
- Frankenstein 100 lat w kinie
- Film Directors: a Complete Guide
- The Encyclopedia of Popular Music
- Hariuddo Joyu Ni Natta Ol Funtoki
- Nam: The Lost Conflict Film Guide
- The Encyclopedia of Popular Music
- Joe Estevez: Wiping Off the Sheen
- Horror and Science Fiction Films IV
- Grindhouse: Drive In, Bleed Out #4
- Elliot's Guide to Home Entertainment
- The Psychotronic Video Guide To Film
- Guide to American Cinema: 1965-1995
- Cheesy, Sleazy, Mixed-up Astro-Zombies
- Chupacabra: Creatura mitologia o reale?
- Bowker's Complete Video Directory 1993
- Bowker's Complete Video Directory 2001
- Bowker's Complete Video Directory 2007
- Bowker's Complete Video Directory 2012
- Science Fiction Film Directors, 1895-1998
- Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television
- Quinlan's Illustrated Directory of Film Stars
- Millennium Movies: End of the World Cinema
- Hell: Webster's Quotations, Facts and Phrases
- Slimetime: A Guide to Sleazy, Mindless Movies
- The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror, Vol. 15
- International Television and Video Almanac 2003
- Film Review 1991-1992: Including Video Releases
- Encyclopedia of Film Themes, Settings and Series
- Samurai: Webster's Timeline History: 1147 - 2007
- Popular Fads and Crazes Through American History
- Cult People: Tales from Hollywood's Exploitation A-list
- Vampirfilme — Die ersten hundert Jahre (1915 - 2015)
- Total Cults: How to Love Movies You Probably Shouldn't
- The Encyclopedia of American Independent Filmmaking
- La fantascienza cinematografica, la seconda età dell'oro
- Spinegrinder: The Movies Most Critics Won't Write About
- Destroy All Movies!!! The Complete Guide to Punks on Film
- The Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Cinematic Monsters
- Mais Vampiros No Cinema Volume 2 — Décadas de 1980 - 1990
- Mais Vampiros No Cinema: Volume 3 — Décadas de 2000 - 2010
- Television Western Players, 1960-1975: A Biographical Dictionary
- So Bad, It's Good: More Than 50 Great Films for Your Bad Movie Night
- What Happens Next? Contemporary Urban Legends and Popular Culture
- Long Strange Journey: On Modern Zen, Zen Art, and Other Predicaments
- Visions of the Apocalypse: Spectacles of Destruction in American Cinema
- What Were They Thinking: The 100 Dumbest Events in Television History
- Sci-fi on Tape: A Complete Guide to Science Fiction and Fantasy on Video
- The Dead Travel Fast: Stalking Vampires from Nosferatu to Count Chocula
- Cinema Ann Arbor: How Campus Rebels Forged a Singular Film Culture
- Bigfoot to Mothman: A Global Encyclopedia of Legendary Beasts and Monsters
- Два колеса в зеркале экрана English: Two Wheels in the Mirror of the Screen
- Karl Vincent's Vampire Trivia quiz book: A Look at Vampires in the Visual Media
- Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Film and Television Credits, Vol. 2: Filmography
- Mr. Skin's Skincyclopedia: The A-to-Z Guide to Finding Your Favorite Actresses Naked
- The Film Lover's Companion: An A to Z Guide to 2,000 Stars and the Movies They Made
- The Bigfoot Filmography: Fictional and Documentary Appearances in Film and Television
- The Bad Movie Bible: The Ultimate Modern Guide to Movies That Are so Bad They're Good
- The Essential Monster Movie Guide: A Century of Creature Features on Film, TV, and Video
- Guillermo del Toro 203 Success Facts — Everything you need to know about Guillermo del Toro
- Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction Cinema (Historical Dictionaries of Literature and the Arts)
- Up All Night: From Hollywood Bombshell to Lingerie Mogul, Life Lessons from an Accidental Feminist
- Hollywood Stunt Performers: A Dictionary and Filmography of over 600 Men and Women, 1922-1996
- Showgirls, Teen Wolves, and Astro Zombies: A Film Critic's Year-Long Quest to Find the Worst Movie Ever Made
- Tales from the Cult Film Trenches: Interviews with 36 Actors from Horror, Science Fiction and Exploitation Cinema
- The Phantom of the Movies' VIDEOSCOPE: The Ultimate Guide to the Latest, Greatest, and Weirdest Genre Videos
- The Totally Sweet 90s: From Clear Cola to Furby, and Grunge to "Whatever", the Toys, Tastes, and Trends That Defined a Decade
- The Halloween Lectures: Fifteen Fiendish Years of Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, Wizards, Monsters, Movies, Tudors, Tricks and Treats
- Nuclear Movies: A Critical Analysis and Filmography of International Feature Length Films Dealing With Experimentation, Aliens, Terrorism, Holocaust