Scott Shaw Films
Zen Filmmaking!
Freedom of Mind is the Pathway to Cinematic Enlightenment
Scott Shaw is a prolific actor and filmmaking who has created well over one hundred films in the new style of filmmaking he created, Zen Filmmaking.
Here is a list of some of the Zen Films created by Scott Shaw, in addition to some of the films created by Donald G. Jackson. Many of the films listed below link to pages where you will find Production Information and Production Stills, others go to our Zen Film DVD Shop or Amazon Prime Video where there is more information about each film and where copies may be purchased or viewed, some go directly to the Scott Shaw Zen Filmmaking Channel on YouTube where the entire Zen Film may be viewed.
Here are a few places where you can find Scott Shaw DVDs and Streaming Movies: Zen Film DVD Shop
Scott Shaw Zen Filmmaking on YouTube
Scott Shaw Zen Filmmaking on Dailymotion
Scott Shaw Zen Filmmaking on Amazon Prime Video
Zen Filmmaking ®
Art Flash Paris
A Space in the Time
A Space in the Time 2
The Adventures of Ace X and Kid Velvet
Armageddon Blvd.
Alexander Hell Vampire Hunter
Angel Blade
A Szamuráj útja
The Back of Beyond
Bangkok Backwards in Black & White
Big Sister 2000
Blood on the Guitar
Bluegrass Christmas Party
Buddha in the Rain
The Cancelled Movie
Canlı Fotoğraf İstanbul
Capsizal Regression
Christmas in Chinatown
Cinematografia Obsesion
Conrad Brooks Talks Hollywood
The Conversation
Count Vlogula
Crimes of the Chupacabra
Dead Carnival
Desert Highway
Dinner & Drinks
Disciple Detention
Donald G. Jackson Confessions
Donald G. Jackson Diary of a Michigan Migrant Film Worker
A Drive into Yesterday
The Drive
The Drive II: 395 Miles From L.A.
The Drive III
A Drive with Linnea and Donald YouTube
A Drive with Linnea and Donald Amazon Prime Video
El Chupacabra: A Zen Speed Flick
Elixir: The Queen of Lost Island DVD
Elixir: The Queen of Lost Island on YouTube
Scott Shaw Fighting the Bad Guys
The Final Kiss
Flowing Waves
Footage Found
480 Seconds of Kyoto
Frogtown News
Ghost of El Chupacabra
Ghost Taxi
Guns of El Chupacabra
Guns of El Chupacabra 2: The Unseen
Guns of El Chupacabra 3: The Lost Interviews
Guns of El Chupacabra in Three Minuted and Thirty Seconds
Guongdong Province, China: Poverty and Promise
The Hard Edge of Hollywood
Hawk: Warrior of the Wheelzone
Hěnjiǔ Zuòchán
Hitman City
Hollywood in the Rain
Hollywood P.D. Undercover
Hong Kong Parallax
Hypnosis Bangkok
Impassive Serenity
Interview: The Roller Blade Seven Documentary
Inverse Israel
Inversion Principal
Jet Engine
The Journey Has Begun
JR: Japan Railway
Just Another Day at the Post Office
Killer: Dead or Alive
Kyoto in a Heartbeat
L.A. Riots: Rising from the Ashes
Legend of the Dead Boyz
Legend of the Roller Blade Seven
Life in the Aftermath
Lingerie Kickboxer
Lingerie Kickboxer: Behind the Scenes
A Little Bit About What Is Going On
Live Foto København
Live Photo Bangkok
Live Photo Hong Kong
Live Photo Oslo
Live Photo Paris
Live Shot Tokyo
Lockoff LAX
Macau: Catch the Moment
Max Hell Frog Warrior
Max Hell Frog Warrior The Zen First Cut
Max Hell The Frog Warrior A Zen Silent Flick
Mechanical Ballet
Mimes: Silent But Deadly
Munich: Across the Tarmac
Naked Avenger
Night Falls in Chinatown
Nihon Cloisonné
9 mm Sunrise
Oblivion Tokyo
One Shot Sam
On The Set
Outside Through the Labyrinth
Over Rated
Preaching' the Gospel YouTube
Preachin' the Gospel Amazon Prime Video
Psychotomimetic Tokyo
Rennende Vann 9
Return of the Roller Blade Seven
Re-Return of the Roller Blade Seven
Reversal Therapy
Ride with the Devil
Ride with the Devil: The Opening
Rindende Vand 8
The Rock n' Roll Cops
The Rock n' Roll Cops Outtake
The Roller Blade Seven
Roller Blade Seven: The Unseen Scenes
Roller Blade 3: The Movie That Never Was DVD
Roller Blade 3: The Movie That Never Was YouTube
Running Water
Running Water 2
Running Water 3
Running Water 4
Running Water 5
Running Water 6
Running Water 7
Rural Southern China
Salvation Mountain
Samurai Ballet
Samurai Johnny Frankenstein
Samurai Johnny Frankenstein Outtake
Samurai Vampire Bikers from Hell
Samurai Vampires: A Zen Speed Flick
Sealed with a Bullet
Seconds in Singapore
Shenzhen Eye Hospitable
Shenzhen Flash
Shinjuku Phantasmagoria
Shotgun Blvd.
Silence is Golden
Slow Moving Clouds
Somewhere Between Now and Then
Scott Shaw at the Smithee Awards
Somewhere Between Then and Now
Speaking Chinese in Hollywood
Stardate Jerusalem
Guns of El Chupacabra on Strange Universe
Street Scene Macau
Streets: Los Angeles
Super Hero Central
Talking to Myself
Tammy Faye Starlite
Thirty Seconds on the Tokyo Subway
Time Stamp Reverse Istanbul
Toad Warrior
Toy Cars
Tokyo in a Heartbeat
Train of the Day
Train Rush Nehon
Train Travel Tokyo
Transmundane Israel
Trip the Light Fantastic
Tsukiji Shijo
Undercover X
Unmaking the Music Video
AKA How Do Go-Go Dancers, a Mime Girl, and a Balloon Artist Dance to a Country Band
Vampire Abstracta
Vampire Black: Trail of the Dead
Vampire Blvd.
Vampire Child
Vampire Noir
Vampire Sunrise
Vending Begyndelse
Walking in Seoul
The White Cat
Witch's Brew
Woman in the Reflective Glass
Yin Yang Insane
Scott Shaw Zen Filmmaking Trailer
Scott Shaw and Donald G. Jackson Zen Filmmaking
Baby Ghost DVD
Baby Ghost Rifftrax
Baby Ghost YouTube
Baby Ghost Amazon Prime Video
Crimes of Tomorrow
Demon Lover The Devil Master DVD
Demon Lover The Devil Master YouTube
Demon Lover Diary on YouTube
Frogtown 2: Return to Frogtown DVD
Frogtown 2: Return to Frogtown YouTube
Kill Kill Overkill DVD
Kill Kill Overkill YouTube
Little Lost Sea Serpent DVD
Little Lost Sea Serpent YouTube
Little Lost Sea Serpent Amazon Prime
Raw Energy
Roller Blade DVD
Roller Blade Warriors Taken By Force
Strip Club Nights DVD
Strip Club Nights YouTube
UFO Secret Video on YouTube
UFO Secret Video on Amazon Prime
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