Self Karma

Karma is an interesting master. Some people, when they know they’ve done something wrong that hurt some one or some thing, they do all they can to repair that damage. Most people are not like that, however. They either did that hurtful thing on purpose, so they revel in what they have accomplished, or they make excuses and provide false justifications for what they have done. Where do you find yourself in this process?
The thing about karma is that, though the term is tossed around very loosely, and is truly impossible to ever completely understand, it is an intolerant master.  It will get you. Live a good life, focused on doing good things, and your destiny and your legacy is perhaps not perfect but at least very accommodating. Do bad things: lie, cheat, hurt, steal, kill, and all of that kind of stuff, and you will meet the wrathful reaction of your doings.
Look around. All you have to do is study a good person’s life over the span of their life and onto their death, and you will see the truth of this. Just as, all you have to do is study a bad person’s life over the span of their life and onto their death, and you will see the truth of this.
The thing is, those who walk the good path, and try to be a positive influence and helpful to others, most often Self Karma. If they discover they did something bad, they try to fix it. In and of this process, they, by realizing and taking responsibly for their own folly, put their negative karma is check before it comes to grab them and sucker punch them from behind. That’s a good thing; right? That’s the right thing; right?
There is another level to all of this. That is the person who knows they have done wrong but does not try to fix the damage they created. For example, in the case of my mother, who really messed up not only my life but the life of other people, as she got older, she realized and acknowledge what she had done, but she did nothing to fix anything. Instead, all she would say is, “What can I do now?” That’s an excuse. That’s not taking responsibility for what you have done. That’s not trying.
What I often witness in people who exist within this state of mind is that, due to the fact they know they have created bad karma and hurt people, but do nothing to fix it, they encounter a lot of negative life and lifestyle altering problems as they move into their later years; if they haven’t already begun to experience the wrath of their previous deeds. In many cases, I have witnessed these people have reoccurring financial, emotional, and medical problems and things like that. Thus, they are cast to a world of unhealthy, unhappiness. Whose fault is that? The answer is obvious, they created the bad karma, and they did nothing to fix what they had done. Is this brought on by their own sense of guilt? I don’t know? That’s questionable. But, the fact that it does occur is very obvious to observe.
Also, if you watch as people who have created a lot of negativity reach their last stage of life, many of them spend time dying a very painful or bad death. This is, (apparently), the last chance for their karma to take hold. And, it does.
The understanding of karma can never be completely understood. But, what is understandable, is good is good and bad is bad. All you have to do is to look at any situation and question, “Would I want that done to me,” before you do anything, and the question of good or bad karma is immediately answered.
Like I always say, life is your choice. What you choose to do with it sets the next event and the next and next into motion. What are you going to do next? What are you going to do about what you have already done? Create good karma? Fix the bad karma you have unleashed? Or, just sit back and wait for your karma, good or bad, to deal its process onto you?