Who You Gonna Call?

There’s that line in the song for the great movie franchise, Ghost Busters, “Who you gonna call?” Meaning, it’s like one of those situations that you don’t really know who to call but you need to call someone for help and there they are, the Ghost Busters. But, who do you call when there is no one to call?
I don’t know what it is??? But, I have been cursed with a whole shitload of bad neighbors throughout my life. This has gone on from my very first apartment, way back in the way back when. It is not a constant. But, there have been a few that have really titled the scales in the wrong direction. I’ve even written about a few in this blog over the years.
You see… It is ongoing. I don’t know why I have been cursed with this karma? I always believe I am a good neighbor.  So???
The latest calamity is that my next-door neighbors got a dog. Great! Good for them!  I love furry friends. Though I have never seen it, (and that fact is very telling), I am told it is an Alaskan Malamute. Beautiful animals. I always hoped to befriend one of those and make it a part of my life.
The thing about these/those dogs is, they need space. They need room to run. This is where the problem begins. They, my neighbors, keep that poor animal locked inside all day and all night. Sometimes, when I am working from home in the day, I hear the dog howling. It is obviously howling from loneliness.
These people are never home. So, at night, I sometimes hear the dog howling, as well. They are gone. The dog is all alone most of the time. How wrong is that?
I don’t know where the dog is allowed to take a shit, but they must have something set up inside their home, because they never seem to take the dog for a walk. That is simply bad and is just wrong on so many levels. A dog like that needs to run, to live, to interact, to be outside.
I mean, (maybe), you could/can keep a very small dog inside most of the time, if they have enough space to run, and their people are home, but a larger animal, like a Malamute, that is JUST NOT RIGHT!
Tonight, I hear the dog howling. I think to write a note and put it on my neighbor’s door. But, if they are so oblivious to understanding the needs of a beautiful furry living creature like that, what good would it do?
I know there are so many people out there who treat their so called, “Pets,” very badly. They even have commercials about that fact. But, knowing is not fixing. Me, I just don’t know how I can fix this situation??? I want to. But, what can I do?
The fact of the fact is, sure, there are agencies out there that are supposed to take care of animals. But, if I were to call them, do you believe they would come out? No. Not in a place like L.A.
So again, I am stuck. I love animals. I believe people should love their furry friends. But, not everyone is of the right mind to possess one. Yet, they are so easy to acquire. So easy to acquire and destroy their life. Animals have feelings too!
I have seen these various video presentations in my feeds. They are depictions of cats and dogs. They say things like, “Your cat is just a chapter of your life, but, for them, you are their entire book.” Or, “Your cat lives with you for a few years of your life but they live with you for their entire life.” I mean, damn! Love your furry friends or don’t bring them into your life, destroying theirs!
Who you gonna call?