Jumping Someone Else’s Train

I was walking along the ocean today when I noticed that there was this bird floating out on the water. I looked closer, and I noticed that he (or she) had a fish in its mouth.
The fish had obviously just been caught as it was still moving around. I’m sure the bird believed it had a great meal on the horizon.
All of a sudden, another bird swoops in, attacking the bird with the fish in its beak; obviously trying to take it away. It wanted to get a meal that someone else had sought out and caught and get it for little or no work.
The two tussled for a few moments. The one bird, with the fish, tried to get away. But, could not. Somewhere in the chaos, the fish feel out of the bird’s beak.
I watched as he (or she) continued to dive under the water trying to find it again. But, no luck. The meal was gone. Gone, all because someone else, that other bird, tried to steal what the one bird had caught.
I don’t know… I could not help but see the parallels to life in that situation. How many times has someone, who did not earn what someone else had caught, has tried to take it for free and make it their own? Their own, but they did not deserve it.
I know I have had similar experiences in my life. Maybe you have too? I mean, there has been times when someone just, hands-down, tried to fuck me over and take what I had, just because they wanted to fuck me over or wanted what I owned. There have also been times when someone has tried to rob me of what I have achieved or received.  Tried to take it because that is what they wanted, yet could not realize it on their own.  It’s really messed up when that happens. I know in those instances, the trajectory of my life, was truly altered for the worst.
If you have experienced, experiences like that, I know you too can feel the pain, as well. The pain of what you had that was taken from you, what you earned was stolen by someone who did not have the mentality or the aptitude to achieve it on their own. In all cases, it is not good.
If I can borrow the title from that great song by, The Cure, Jumping Someone Else’s Train.
You know, this kind of stuff goes on all the time in life. It goes on all over the place. All you have to do is to look at your own life, the life of those you know and care about, or simply view the world as a whole. The robbing and the unwanted taking of someone’s something happens every day. It shouldn’t, but it does.

The more you have, the more you achieve, the more someone wants to take it away from you.
Now, think about whose life you have hurt. Think about whose life you wanted that something from, and you took it or tied to take it. Now, look at the chaos and the hurt and the damage you caused.  What does that make you?
The one thing I will say—say based on my every-growing long years I have in this place we call, "life," and my ability to view things, situations, and the life of people, through the eyes of time is that, the people who behave in this manner, always, though maybe not today, but tomorrow, reap what they have sewn. They never achieve what they hoped to achieve, based on what they took from that someone else. If they do gain it for a time, they always lose it in the end.
All I can say is remember that. Remember that what you do, and what you try to steal or take from someone else, not only has the potential of ruining the life and the mealtime of one individual, but it will come back to become the definition of your life.