The Juice That You Want

Kinda funny… Well, at least in that kinda/sorta interesting sort of way…
I have this hummingbird feeder. A little while back, I needed to fill it up. So, I ordered some hummingbird juice from Amazon.  All of a sudden, it was the Talk of the Town. There were all these hummingbirds fighting to get at it. Why, I had no idea??? Time when on, and in a very short period of time, I had to buy some more hummingbird juice. Then, that was gone. I purchased some more.
Tonight, my lady, reading the bottle of hummingbird juice, (something I never do—I never read the instructions), she tells me that it is concentrated. That I am only supposed to use a third of the bottle with each fill. 
I smiled. We made a couple of jokes about the situation. That was/is the answer, why. …Why my hummingbird feeder instantly became so popular. I have been dosing up the hummingbird on the juice that is three times the strength of all of the other hummingbird feeders of my neighbors, of which there are a lot. I was giving them what they really wanted.
All of this set me to thinking about the icon song, most notably performed by the band, Steppenwolf, The Pusher. What a great song. It is still great to this day. It was written by Hoyt Axton. Which, innocently, was the owner of the ranch where we shot some of the scenes for the Zen Film, Guns of El Chupacabra.
The lyrics to the song are:
“You know I smoked a lot of grass.
Oh Lord! I popped a lot of pills.                                   
But I’ve never touched nothin’
That my spirit couldn’t kill.
You know I’ve seen a lot of people walking ‘round
With tombstones in their eyes.
But the pusher don’t care
If you live -- or if you die.
God Damn! The pusher.
God Damn! The pusher.
I said God Damn! God damn the pusher man.
You know the dealer, the dealer is a man
With a lump of grass in his hand.
But the pusher is a monster
Not a natural man.
The dealer for a nickel
Goin to sell you lots of sweet dreams.
Ah...but the pusher will ruin your body;
Lord he’ll leave your mind to scream.
God Damn! The pusher.
God Damn! God damn the pusher.
I said God Damn! God damn the pusher man.
Well now if I were the president of this land
You know I’d declare total war on the pusher man.
I’d cut him if he stands, and I’d shoot him if he run,
And I’d kill him with my bible, and my razor and my gun....
GOD DAMN! The pusher
God damn the pusher.
I said God damn! God damn the pusher man!”
I guess that’s/this is the key to life. …That is if you want to live a life with a boatload of devotees. Give them what they want—that juice that is three times the legal limit. Get them hooked and they will flock to you.
I guess that’s why, except for the hummingbirds, I don’t have any devotees. I don’t give anyone what they want. Happy