Be Here Now

There used to be this kind of running joke among those of us who were walking the Spiritual Path back in the 1970s, “Be here now. If not, I’ll see you there later.”
This was, of course, all based around the seminal spiritual text that helped to define the Western Spiritual Movement that rose in the 1960s, Be Here Now, by Ram Dass.
I was in a thrift store today and I came upon a very clean copy of that book. That edition was published in 1978 and even by that point in time there had been in excess of nine hundred thousand copies sold.
It was only $3.99, so how could I pass it up? Though I already have several copies of the book, even the original version that was not only a twine bound edition of the main text but also separate pamphlets, shipped out from the Lama Foundation in a box, I didn’t fell like I could/should pass it up.
It was kind interesting in that, just recently, the thought of Be Here Now had come to mind, and how I almost never see copies of that book being offered in thrift stores. This, even though so many copies have been sold.
Today, when I got home, I took a little time and once again read it as it has been quite a while since I took the time to view what was written. I wondered, did the message presented in its pages still hold up? Answer: Yes, it does. It provides a very accurate, compete how-to, for how to stroll down the Spiritual Path.
Have you ever read it? If you haven’t, maybe you should. I’m sure it’s on-line somewhere so you wouldn’t have to purchase a copy if you didn’t feel like it.  
Not only does Be Here Now depict the mindset of an era, where a large number of people were truly seeking that deeper meaning to life, but it also provides the reader with a lot of important and essential tools to walk through life.
My suggestion: Read it or re-read it, if you get the chance. It may help you out and make your life just a little bit better.

Just a thought…