A Better World is Up to You

Most people don’t realize this, but a better world is up to you. Making this word a better place is doable by you.
The problem is, most people are defined by their feelings. They like what they like, they dislike what they dislike. And, they allow those emotions to control them and their life. As much as most of those feelings were programed into an individual, and they did not arise naturally, this is what dominates the life of virtually everyone.
We all are defined by our feelings. We like what and whom we like, we dislike what or whom we dislike; whether this be a politician, a public figures, or just some person walking down the street. These feelings cause us to act. The problem is, most people act from a very unconscious perspective of reality. Most simply are expressing what they like or what they dislike. But this makes No-Thing any better. All this does is causes rising anger, chaos, hurt, dissension, and all of those other negative emotions that are broadcast by the human race.
Have you ever said or wrote or expressed some form of negativity towards a person or a subject and watched the reaction expand. The thing is, most people do this but they do not consciously witness what is taking place. At best, they either revel in what they have achieved, are horrified about what they have done, or could care less either way. But, the reality of the reality is, it helps nothing. It makes nothing any better.
Does hurting someone make anything better? No. All it is does is create pain. Does saying negative things about a person or a situation make anything any better? No. It simply unleashes further negativity out to the world, setting who knows what into motion. Do fights make anything better? No. All they do is create a winner and a loser. Do wars make anything better? No. All they do is create death and a lot of destroyed lives. Do protest make anything better? No. All they do is create havoc and destruction and dissent and controversy, pitting two sides against one another; ultimately equally nothing but negativity.
None of any of this makes anything any better!
You know what does make life and reality better? You choosing to do the right thing. You saying the right thing—speaking positively and never negatively. Even if you feel disapproving of a person or a situation, if you speak only from the position of positively, then if you instigate change it is done so from a position of purty and righteousness.  
…You doing helpful never hurtful things.
…You being nice.
Nice always helps everything.
You are the one that can change this world. It all begins with you.
Say something nice. Do something nice. Watch the reaction.
That action can change the entire world. It can change the course of anything/everything. Truly, a better world is up to you.