Remembering Who You Used To Be

How much of what you are today were you yesterday? How much of who you are today has changed since yesterday? How much of what you are today is a creation of yourself? How much of what you are today is you reflecting your culture, your fantasies, your desire to be seen as a Some Thing?
Take a look at yourself today; right now.  What are you wearing? How is what you are wearing today any different from what you wore yesterday? How is what you are wearing today any different from what you wore a year ago or ten years ago?
Take a look at yourself in the mirror. How do you look? Is your hairstyle the same as it was a year ago or ten years ago? How has your face and your facial presentation change over the course of your life? …Not simply based on your aging but on how you present yourself to the world?
How do you present yourself to the world? Is the style of clothing you wear, is your general demeanor, is your generalized attitude, your beliefs, your All and your Everything, how has any of that change since yesterday, since last year, since ten years ago?  
Many people lock themselves into a pattern of behavior and a presentation of how they want themselves to be perceived by the world early in their life. For some, this definition occurs in adolescences, for others it comes in early adulthood. But, a definition of how a person wishes themselves to be defined becomes locked in stone and it is rarely altered.
How about you? Truly, where do you find yourself in this life definition? Do you ever question why you present yourself in the way you present yourself? Do you even ponder, how did you arrive at this Self Definition of how you wish to be seen and experienced? The reality is, most people do not. They simply arrive at where they find themselves, and that is that. Then, they are locked at that place throughout their Life Time.
Truly, how about you? Do you ever question who and what you are and how and why you have arrived at this definition?
Self-Inquiry is perhaps one of the most difficult things for a human being to process. The reason for this is that, for many, it is a very uncomfortable procedure. Most people simply want to be who they believe themselves to be. Most people do not want to take the time and go to the trouble of true Self-Inquiry because what is often reveled is not pretty. And, if an individual is presented with facts about themselves that they do not like, or find flaws in their character, or the person they believe themselves to be, then they must constantly carry that truth with themselves, and most, simply, do not know what to do with that realization.
How about you? How much Self-Inquiry have you practiced throughout your Life Time? If you have done it at all, what did it reveal? Moreover, what did you do with that realization?
Here are the facts… You can hide from who you are. You can pretend that you are the perfect presentation of what you want to reveal to the world. But, if you do not even understand what created the person you believe yourself to be, how can you truly be anything? How can you be the true representation of the True You?
Think about it…