A Story Based on a Story
This is a story that is based on a story that took place several years ago.
What went on is that I had my car parked over in Venice and somebody ran into it and took off. Obviously, when I returned to it, I was very upset. But, what could I do?
As fucked up as that was, that’s not the story, however.
I called my insurance company, and I took my car into the shop to be fix, of which they did a very poor job on the color matching. But, that’s an entirely different story.
Anyway, my insurance company had rented me a car for the time my car was in the shop. I had driven it over to this electronic store I frequented, whenever I needed one of the items they kept in stock. I had parked the car over to one side of the business. This is where I always parked whenever I went in there, in order to stay out of the fray of all of the traffic in their central parking lot.
When I returned to the car, I saw that someone had completely sideswiped it. The whole right side was totally bashed in.
I don’t know what happened??? I can only guess. But, they were probably trying to park their car or pull it out after they had parked it, or something like that, and had completely scraped my car. FUCK!
I had to again deal with the insurance company, pay another deductible, and all of that kind of messed-up stuff. Not Good!
Now, here I am, all of these years later… The thought of that situation just found its way to my central thinking mind, from where it had been lost in my memory tapes. Why? Who knows?
My first thought, after the thought was, I wonder if the person who hit my car or my cars ever even thinks about what they did? In both cases, they took no responsibility and simply bailed. So, I guess, at least in part, there lies a partial answer. I mean, their car(s) had to be a least somewhat fucked up too. But…
Think about this… Whose life have you done something negative to? Whose life have you hurt? When you hurt them, did you take responsibility for your actions, and like any individual with a conscience would do, did you try to fix any damage that you created? Or, did you just hit the trail and hightail it out of there like a coward?
If you have been hurt, if your life was or is damaged, in any way shape of form, how did that make you feel? Knowing that, why would hurt or damage the life of anyone else? If you have done so, have you tried to fix it? Or, did you just run for the hills?
Life is a weird place. All of this chaos is going on all around us. Very good and very bad things are being done all the time. The Good Person, the True Person, the Honest Person, they take responsibly for whatever they do, own it, and never run if they hurt anyone’s anything. In fact, they try to fix it. Then, there are those who hide in the wind. Those who hurt, damage, destroy, and you never even know who or what they are.
Are you a conduit of good or are you a conduit of evil?
Here’s the exercise for the day. Why don’t you think about someone you hurt in your life, either knowingly or accidentally, and try to fix the damage you instigated? Don’t make excuses, don’t give yourself justifications, even if you feel like you got away with it, you hurt someone or something, try to fix it.
If you are a good person, if you are a true and truthful person, don’t you believe that is something that you should do?
Fix the car crash that you created. Make the world a better place.