The Morning Thought

It has long been my belief that the number one thing we should all do in our life is to leave any place or any situation better than we found it.
What does this mean? Well, that is individually defined by each individual situation. It can be as small of a thing as picking up an item and putting it on the shelf from where it has fallen, as you pass by it in a grocery store, onto much large examples. The number one thing to do is to always make things better and never make them worse.
The truth is, damage lasts forever. If you hurt or damage or break something, what have you done? You have removed that whatever from possible and proper usage for the next person and the next and the next.
Just as damage lasts forever, so does creation and repair. If you create something positive, if you fix that something that is broken, that too will last forever. The next person and the next and the next will have the possibility of using it, learning from it, or making it a part of their life, thereby creating a pattern of positive invention.
Making something better does not have to be a grand gesture. It can be small. But, by making something better, and never making anything worse, what you will have done is to do your small part in making everything better in this world. Try it. Experience the simple glory of your actions.