I Don’t Use Screenplays!
Okay.. Raise your hands… Who here knows I don’t use screenplays in the films I create? Let me look around. Yup, everybody knows that.
I don’t use screenplays!
Now, I’m not down on people who do. If that’s your method, that’s your method. And, that’s AOK with me. But, it’s not mine. Everybody who knows anything about me, and my filmmaking career, understands that.
Why am I writing this? Well, it’s kind of funny… Just after I posted the previous blog from today. Which, in part, details that I don’t like horror films, or anything like that, somebody pitched me a horror-based script. Are you kidding me! It made me laugh.
The fact of the fact is, I get pitched scripts all the time. At least one a week, usually more. But, why? Do these people do so little research into the people they are pitching??? I mean, come on!
Hand-in-hand with the scripts being pitched, I also get a lot of people asking me to finance their script-based movie. I don’t even know how to respond to those. Like in all cases, I do not respond.
Yes, I do finance the cinema of people who I care about and/or the people who care about me. If I can help out—help to get that piece of cinema created, I am happy to do so. But, why would I bankroll the film of someone who I do not know, who has no track record, has never actually created a film, and the film they are pitching has a very good chance of never being finished. Though, I’m sure, in their mind, they would argue that fact to the grave. …To their grave, that is, until it is never finished—never finished on someone else’s dime.
It's easy to spend someone else’s money.
Anyway... Just a little something-something that you may, (or may not), find amusing. And, just a word of warning… Check out who you are approaching before you ever approach them. Why waste your time and the time of that other individual, if you have nothing, (that they want), to offer them?