Melt Into a Time Gone Past
As far back as I can remember, people would fade into a time gone past, believing that it was somehow better, that there was some deeper truth being offered way back in the way back when. But, was there?
I know as I came up, there was those who looked back to the 1960s as somewhat of mecca of culture. But, had they gone to SF, had they seen Haight Ashbury at its heyday, they may have witnessed the truth. It was not a utopia. Yes, it was the sourcepoint for a vast movement of counterculture, and some lived that dream in that moment. But, as is always the case, the few who live the dream are very few. The rest of us can only hope for the leftovers.
As I have long told you, many a night, I sit late into the late night, I have kicked back a bottle of the grape, (or more), and in my (very few) moments of allowed lifetime distraction, I sit back in the essence, and I allow the music videos on YouTube, portrayed by my algorithms, to guide me. It’s a visual and musical odyssey, as music has long been the sourcepoint of my life.
But, for those of you who have walked this path, you know how it goes… It’s not like the radio where you never quite know what you will hear next, but, instead, something will be brought up from your watching past, something that casts you back to the memories of old.
Like I have (also) told you before, (for many years deep now), the song Yellow Brick Road, by Angus and Julia Stone, has long caused me to debate and regret my giving up my whole alt-folk life of one-time dreamed living and creating—causing me to question my why? But, it popped up, (again), somewhere in between all of the goth, dark wave, shoegaze, and/or orientated music I tend to listen to, and I was reminded of a time; a long time ago.
If you truly listen to the lyrics of that song, you can feel my vibe. You have to understand the hidden meaning in some of the lyrics, but it does ideally describe an era—an era that the people who wrote and sang that song could not have truly lived, as they were/are far too young… But, it describes a time when things were free. We would go to these beautiful natural places—we would smoke some weed, maybe drop some acid, but it was all perpetuated with this beauty of enhanced compassion and love. For those of us who walked that path, you understand there was an interconnected energy that we shared. A sense of intertwined belonging. A feeling of community where we could move among one another and simply appreciate that we were walking the same path, in trust and love and understanding—that we were one. We were all traveling on the same road embracing caring and positivity, embracing love, enlightenment, and generalized goodness. Life is not like that anymore.
I remember a little while back, I had this girlfriend on the side. Beautiful creature. Totally mentally fucked up. But, the love that poured out of her was intense. She was one of those people, a couple of decades younger than I, who was lost in the believing that the way back when was the so much better. But again, was it? Or, was it simply a time of the so much more free. But, here’s the kicker, you had to be there to be there. That time, that energy is no more, and I question if it could ever be recreated again???
You know, every time I hear that song, Yellow Brick Road, it casts me to a time when there were still available dreams. When there was the promise of love, and truth, and realization, and of truly living and actually having all of the promised promises. All that feels so long ago. And, it was…
That young girl I just spoke of, I was told she passed away from this life a while back. When I think of that/of her, it always makes me sad as she will never get to hold that dream of that promised reality of freedom. That feeling of truly living. At least not as was described in the dream that was locked in her mind. But, I guess that’s the sad truth of reality, eras, just like people, are here and then they are gone.
…I mean, even that song, Yellow Brick Road, was recorded and released over fifteen years ago. That was so many years ago. For some, that’s a lifetime.
But, back to the storyline… For me, I was there, (once). And yes, it was a better, freer time. But, the reality is, all we have is what we have, here, in this here and the now.
So, what is it that you have? Do you possess a dream worth living; right here, right now? Or, do you hold onto something that you can never truly know, as what you are living now, is not, (and never can be), what was lived then?