Don’t Engage

Whenever I am walking down the street, (or doing things like that), and a homeless person asks me for money, I always try to be kind and explain that I no longer carry cash any more, but good luck. And, stuff like that… My lady always exclaims, “Don’t engage!” This, because there have been more than a few times when a homeless individual has become very belligerent when I have not provided them with any money. Maybe if I had said nothing, nothing could be replied. I don’t know? Maybe???
Her point is well taken, however. And, this has proven to be one of the downfalls in my life. I always try to be nice. I always respond to people with kindness. But, the fact of the fact is, there has been many times that I wish I had not communicated with a person at all. …Not just with street people, but with people from all walks of life; because once I have communicated with them, it has all turned very ugly. I’ve done nothing to send it in that direction, but that other individual guided it that way, nonetheless.
On a humorous note… My lady and I were walking down this street in Berkeley a number of years back. Up ahead, there was this man, obviously very mentally ill, just raging to himself, spuing all kinds of verbal nonsense and flaying his arms in all directions. My lady said, “Don’t engage!” As we got close to the guy, his rage completely shut off. “How’s it going,” he asks. “Fine,” I respond. Like I always say, it seems like children, animals, and crazy people all seem to like me. Happy
Anyway, think about your life, think about some of the bad times you have encountered with people; weren’t those negative encounters virtually all based upon the fact that you engaged with that person, you communicated with them, you let them in? If you had not opened that door, the basis for that anything negative could never have taken place.
I remember a little while back, I was going to my post office, and there was a lady completely freaking out, speaking to this police officer whom she had called. There were a crew of young men with some very high-end film equipment inside the post office obviously creating content. Which, by the way, is very illegal to be filming in a post office without permission and/or permits. Apparently, what they were doing was to get people angry and cause them to say things by goating them by insulting them and stuff like that. As I walked past the police officer, I could hear him say to the lady, “Just don’t engage.”
This is really a good point to keep in mind as you pass through your life. I understand it’s not always easy. I mean, it certainly hasn’t been for me. But, isn’t it better if you just don’t let it begin?
One of my big faults in life, (if you want to call it that), and I know I’ve mentioned this to you, the readers of this blog, before; I see everyone as a friend.  I immediately assume people are good and nice and they want to communicate and interact from a position of goodness, kindness, and positivity, leading to the betterment of both of our lives and the world beyond. Boy, have I been kicked in the nuts more than a few times.  Not everyone is nice. Not everyone is good. Many people are solely out for themselves and out for what they can get out of you; however that
getting may be defined.
I wish I could say that I have learned my lesson. But, sometimes I still foolishly let people in.
This is all just food for thought for you. It’s a good mantra, “Don’t engage.” Don’t engage if you do not wish to invite problems or conflict or chaos or all of that other sort of negative stuff into your life. Don’t engage if you want to keep your peace and live your bliss on your own terms of reality.