Is Your Reality My Reality?

Is your reality my reality?

Is my reality your reality?
The fact is, most people attempt to project their reality onto someone else. They attempt to make another person view reality the way they personally perceive it. This is why there are disagreements in the lifescape of human consciousness. One person views reality different from that of the other person. Yet, each individual wants that other person to perceive reality exactly the same way as they do.
All you have to do is look to a time in your life when you did not like the way someone else lived, described what they thought about a particular subject or person, defined a situation, explained to you their opinion, or presented their point of view. You did not like what they did or said. You thought that it was wrong. Perhaps you even tried to change their mind. But, why did you do this? Answer: You perceive reality in a different manner than they do.
The bigger problem that arises in all of this is that when someone deems the other person is completely wrong in what they believe, say, or do. This is where arguments, fights, and even wars are born. But, why is this? Why does one person believe they are right, and the other person is wrong? Answer: They see their reality as the only true reality and another person’s reality as false or wrong.
But, who is ever ultimately right and who is ever ultimately wrong? Answer: It is all based upon personal perception of an individual reality.
In Buddhism, it is understood that all humans live their life defined by illusion. This life is an illusion. What a person thinks is an illusion. What a person believes is an illusion. We live in an illusion defined by the reality perceived by the individual mind.
In some cases, in life, we find others who see and believe reality to be the same as we perceive it. This is where friendships and relationships are born. But, do two people ever experience reality in the exact same manner? No. All you have to do is to sit down with that individual, and have a true discussion about your personal perceived realities, and it will quickly be revealed that though the two (or more) of you possess a common understanding, at your inner depths, what you see, perceive, believe, and live is not exactly the same at all but defined individually by each individual. This alone teaches us that what you believe to be the truth of reality is not what I believe to be the truth of reality.
Have you ever had someone start a discussion with you, which led to an argument, when you did not agree with what they believed? This goes on all the time on so many levels of life. There are some people who base their entire existence around believing what they believe is right, while attempting to sway the mind of others to believe as they do, and if this does not work, they attack, yell at, ridicule, or flat out verbally or physically attack that person of a different mind. Has this ever happened to you? It has to me.
Of course, from a psychological perspective, it is quickly understood that a person who behaves in this manner is basing their reality upon a lack of self-awareness and they are, in fact, operating from a position of self-insecurity. But, that does not change the fact that this style of behavior goes on all over the place all of the time.
So, what can you do? The simple answer is to be aware enough to understand that each person is who and what they are. That each individual believes what they believe. You do not even have to question why they believe what they believe. You simply need to accept it, for this is the basis of their understanding of reality.
Ultimately, you must accept that right or wrong is only defined in your own mind. If you are a person of True Spirt you will allow every other individual to believe as they believe—allow them to be who and what they are. For if you try to judge them—if you try to change them, all you are doing is attempting to project your reality onto their reality. And, the fact of the fact is, your reality can never be the True Reality of anyone but you.
Your reality is not my reality, just as my reality is not your reality.
Remember this as you pass through your life.