
Many/most people do not base their life upon a sense of original creativity. They mimic what others have created and/or instigated. All one has to do is to look around themselves and this becomes vastly apparent. During any specific period of history, geographic location, and culture people wear similar clothing styles, have similar hairdos, use similar slang, listen to a common form of music, and watch similar TV, movies, and the like. If one were to step back and view life and lifestyle from a distance, all of these people are basically the same.
If you take this understanding onto a more personal level, it is easy to see if an individual basis their life on a sense of true self-generated creativity or simply mimics that which has been created by someone else. Watch; do they speak the words first spoken by someone else, do they relay ideas and philosophies that did not originate in their own mind but was heard from someone else, do they copy the clothing style or the hair style of the whatever that was first done by someone else, do they go as far as imitating the physical actions first noticed in the movements of another person? All of these clues and more reveal that an individual is not a true creator, a true instigator, or a true philosopher. They are simply a mimic.
If you step outwards from the person and look at what they do with their life, even if they call themself something so lofty as an artist, is their art original, or is it simply an imitation of something already created by someone else?
The fact is, most people possess very little Self Creativity. Most simply find a groove they can exist within in their life and call it their own. But, it is not their own. They did not self-formulate the ideas in their head, the words they speak, what they wear, or even what they so-call create.
All this is not necessarily a bad thing. This is simply the reality of life.
This being said, there are those who steal the ideas, the words, and the creations of others. That is not good.
This style of behavior has gone on forever. It travels from their very low levels of theft onto the much more intrusive levels. People’s ideas have been stolen and used. This is the same with people creative labors. Then, in some cases, the stealing individual never claims where the thoughts, ideas, philosophies, words, or creations they claim originated from. They use it as their own. They make it appear as if it was something they personally created. But, it was not. And, that is just wrong.   
The fact of life is, most people are simple a mimic. Where do you find yourself in this equation?