The Lost Magazines
As I write this, in the relatively early stages of 2025, I am sure everyone knows what a magazine is. But, think about it, when was the last time you actually read a magazine? I believe for a lot of us, it was a while ago. Once, one of the main sources of news and entertainment and knowledge and all of that kind of stuff was the magazine. But now, they have virtually all disappeared.
Sure, there are digital magazines and stuff like that. But, there is something just not so real with those. It’s not like holding that physical thing in your hand and flipping through the pages.
Me, writing for magazines was one of my main side-gigs back in the twentieth century. I wrote so many articles, particularly for the marital art magazines. But, where are they now? What do they mean? Where did they go? Except for my collection of those magazines, and the collections of others who collect that style of thing, to the eyes of the masses, they are gone and forgotten.
Yeah, in some cases, some of the mag articles that once graced the eyes of the masses on laminated paper throughout the years are up on places like the Wayback Machine. And, that’s a good thing! But truly, so much has been lost. So much once written, once published, is all long gone.
It’s kind of like when the LP record went away. Yeah, CDs were so much cooler, at least at the time, and much more indestructible—they wouldn’t get scratched at the slightest invocation. But, there is all that music that never got transmitted to CDs then to digital. It was music created by people who were not all that popular or were not all that well-known. Walk into any thrift store, look at the vinyl offerings, and you will see them; forgotten music by forgotten artists.
…I knew that was going to happen. And, it did. Just like magazines. So much knowledge and information has been lost.
I had a weird remembrance of this musician a little while back. I wondered what ever happened to him. So, I searched him on the web and found that he had a website. I popped over to it. He was/is a musician who, once upon a time, was very well-known. I remember reading a lot about him in the music mags of his era. But, what happened to all of those mags? There is now little to no reference about this guy, or his ideology, or his music, and his ways of creating it left to the eyes of the world. All those mags are lost and gone; thrown away and forgotten.
I know even for me, I was interviewed in a number of magazines, way back in the way back when. Where are those magazines? Does anyone hold a copy? I have maybe one copy of a few of them, but there are so many that I do not hold in my possession. Now what? Who will ever be able to read that information?
This is just something to think about. Think about, when you are thinking about that someone you once knew or that someone you never knew. Think about that something that was known but then, seemingly, became unknown. Once there was physical knowledge about them. You could get to know and understand them; their ideas and the philosophies. You could read about them on the pages of that something physical. Flip the page and read some more. Now, all that, (well, a least much of it), is long gone.
I guess this is the reality of the reality, and one of the key components to the truth of life. All things physical exist then, eventually, they are gone. Just like you and I. We are here, but soon we will be no more.
What happened to all of those lost magazines?