Locked in the Pain You Feel

No one likes to feel pain. Whether that pain be physical or emotional, no one wants to hurt. Yet, look at all of the pain that is going on all across the globe. There are wars, there is disease, there are broken hearts, there are cruel people who hurt others simply because they can. And, many of those people, who exist in that frame of mind, take pride in that behavior. Whether it is large or small, hurt is hurt, and hurting hurts. No one wants to hurt.  
If we take a look at this from a Buddhist perspective, it is taught that pain is an inevitable part of human existence. The Buddha taught that life is characterized by Du
kha. This term is translated as, “Suffering,” or “Dissatisfaction.” It is understood that suffering arises from our attachment to desires and generalized personalized aversions, and it can manifest as physical pain, emotional distress, or existential angst.
The teachings of the Buddha emphasize the Four Noble Truths as a cure for all of this. The Four Nobel Truths outline that during one’s life there will be suffering. It also teaches some techniques for the cessation of suffering.
The First Noble Truth recognizes the presence of suffering in life. The Second Noble Truth identifies the causes of suffering as craving and ignorance. The Third Noble Truth asserts that it is possible to overcome suffering. The Fourth Noble Truth provides the Eightfold Path as a guide to end suffering, which includes Right Understanding, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration.
Okay, from the perspective of a mind at peace—a mindset not burdened by hurt, all of that may sound fine. But, what about when you are locked into the presence of pain?
Here, this is where the definition of Power of Mind comes into play. Can you be mentally strong enough to turn off your pain? Can you be emotionally and intellectually resilient enough to accept what you must live though, even though you may not like?
The fact is, some people can easily claim both of these Powers of Mind.  Some people can easily deflect the pain. Most, however, cannot. Pain hurts, whether it is physical or emotional. Then what?
As in all cases in life, there is always someone there to give you advice for how you should think and live your life. They may tell you to, “Forget about it,” or to, “Tune it out,” and all of that kind of stuff. But, is that realistic in its doing? Most likely, for you, it is not. When you hurt, you hurt.
I know when I have encountered hurtful situations in my life, I too have tried to tune it out and not let it rob my peace. But, I am just not built that way. I am human. I feel.
And yes, I wish that the people that have hurt me, in whatever form that may have taken, would have been more whole of a human being to not have done so. But, if someone is lost in a space of self-righteousness, lack of self-awareness, egotism, power hungry-ness, or just not caring, what can you or I do about that? They are lost. There is nothing we can do to change them. Thus, they intentionally hurt others, and they just don’t care. Then what?
Ultimately, we are all trapped in the Life Place. At least for a little while. You and I, as (hopefully) people trying to walk the path of living a good and a conscience life, never intentionally try to hurt others. If we do, we try to fix it. But, the fact of life is, we are all going to encounter pain. Hopefully, for you, it will be minimal. That is why we must each try to walk a path of never intentionally hurting anyone—only trying to do good, be kind, loving, and helpful.  But, when it does find us, the only path any of us can truly walk is to locate any method that will take our mind off of it. If that method is meditation; great, meditate. If that method is spending time with friends and loved ones that will take your mind off it; great, do that. Whatever it is, remember, hurt is only hurt and no one wants to hurt, so never hurt back.  Mostly, never be the person who instigates that level of negative karma. Never create hurt. Only create goodness.
The more goodness you create, the less hurt you will invoke, and the better your life will be. At least so is it promised.