You Can Only Think About Yourself

Here’s a fact that very few people consider, you can only think about yourself.
First of all, most people
only think about themselves anyway. They don’t even think about thinking about others. The only time they think about anyone else is when they want something from that individual: money, love, friendship, life-advancement, you name it… All they think about, if they are thinking about someone else, is something that will benefit them.
There are others, however, those who do care about people, and animals, and life, and the environment, and… Here is where this factual understanding gets complicated, however. Yes, people may care about that something else outside of themselves, but why do they care? How is how they are caring about affecting their life? What is it doing for them? What are they getting out of their thinking about and that caring and why?
Again, very few, if any person, who does spend time thinking and/or caring about that something outside of themselves, ever truly contemplates their reason why.
Here’s another fact, a fact that few people wish to admit, if you do care about that something or that someone outside of yourself, you are doing it for a reason. What that reason may be is as vast as the driving factor in each person that spans the humanity of the human race. But, there is always a reason. And, that reason is based in some self-motived something.
This now being understood, who are you? Who do you think about and why? What do you care about and why?
If you cannot at least be honest with yourself about why you think or care about that something or that someone, you are completely living within a life defined by self-illusion. Is that who you wish to be?