Somebody Else’s Business

Have you ever noticed how some people get all upset when something is going on with someone else? They become all enraged when someone is treating that someone else in a way that they feel is inappropriate. Maybe they don’t even know the person, on a personal level, yet they get mad when they hear that someone did something that they do not feel is appropriate to that someone else. How about you, do you ever behave in this manner?
There is one root cause to a person causing feelings to arise within themselves, like this, when what is going on has nothing to do with them on a personal level. What is that cause? The individual does not possess enough of their own Life Value to be focused solely on what they are doing.
We all have feelings. We all have emotions. When we see or hear of someone being hurt, of course, that causes certain sentiments to arise within ourselves.  Perhaps this is on a global scale when a warring faction is attacking another people. Maybe it is when someone we truly know and care about is hurt by that exterior something. That’s all natural.  But, then there is this other element when people step into the business of someone else, when they were not invited.
All you have to do is to, for example, look at a time when a sports or rock or movie star is caught cheating on their spouse. A ton of people rise up with an opinion. But, what does their opinion mean? Answer: Nothing. It was not them who was cheated on. It did nothing to affect their own life in any way. Yet, they allow all kinds of emotions to rise up within themselves, and perhaps even call themselves to take action by speaking out, to whomever will listen, about how they believe what that person did was wrong.
That’s just one small example. But, all you have to do is to take a moment to think about it and you can most certainly pull up a time when you knew someone who got really upset about that someone else’s business that was not their own.  
Have you ever done that? Do you ever do that? If you have, when you were engulfed in your tidal wave of emotions, what caused you to dive so deep into the business of someone else’s business—business that was none of your business? Really, think this through.
Some people have this, for lack of a better term, “God complex.” For whatever reason, rooted deep in their psyche, they believe they are right. What they see, what they hear, what they experience, and what others experience, they believe they possess the right to judge and to cast that judgement onto what is taking place. Whether or not what is taking place is a million times removed from themselves or not, they believe they have the right to dish out the answer to a question that they were not asked. How about you? How do you fit into this equation? What answers do you believe you have to questions that were not asked of you?
It is impossible to only live inside of ourselves. Well, that is to say, it is impossible unless we lock ourselves away from the world. This is the reason why monks, throughout all traditions, have done this for eons. They do not want to be influenced by the emotions and the movements of the physical world. But, most of us are not like that.
The difference between an individual who can see and hear and even form an opinion about what is going on, that is not directly influencing their own life, and those who dive deep into the business that is none of their business is, as previously stated, defined by the individual who does not possess enough of their own Life Value to be focused solely on what they are doing.
The fact is, there is a fine line between being focused on oneself and an individual doing what they are doing from a very selfishness and/or vain self-involved perspective. From afar, it is very easy to tell which is which. But oftentimes, the individual who is lost in their own pattern of thinking is unable to step back and truly observe the way they are behaving. How about you? Where do you find yourself in this scale of Lived Reality?
It is nothing new to state that emotions like anger are very addictive. Why? Because they cause the individual, feeling these emotions, to experience that rush of adrenaline. But, the people who are locked into this drug, just like all drug addicts, have a hard time understanding and admitting to themselves that they have a problem.
So, what are we left with?
Here’s the questions you need to constantly ask yourself whenever you find yourself being sucked into someone else’s melodrama, “Is it truly any of my business?” If it is, (and remember do not make up foolish, unfounded, reasons why it is your business in your own mind), then you can get involved. The second question you need to ask yourself, “Is it any of my business to get involved?” If you are truly an actual part of the equation—if that individual is an genuine part of your life, (do you actually know them on a personal level and do they even care that you exist), then yes, maybe you should get involved. If not, just stay away. Keep yourself from becoming involved in the mix, as it is not any of your business.
People look for a reason to feel. Most often, they look outside of themselves to find the motivating factor. People want to feel like they know what is right and what is wrong. But, all you have to do is look out across all of the societies of the globe and you will quickly realize that what is right to one person or group is completely wrong to another. So, what is right? And, more importantly, what makes you believe you are the one who possesses that final judgment?
Focus on your life. Focus on making yourself a better and more pure individual. Stay out of the business of others, because their business is none of your business. Make yourself a better person and the entire world becomes a better place to exist.