It’s All About the Gift

So, what are you planning to give today and who are you planning to give it to?
Do you have a gift all wrapped up with a pretty bow on top that you are anxiously awaiting going to see that person where you can give them that gift?
If your gift is bagged and tagged and ready to go, how much time and thought did you put into finding and prepping that perfect gift?
Are you certain that it is what you really want to give to them, or is there some trepidation in your mind, questioning if it is the right gift at the right time? …Will they like it?
Here’s the second question… Why did you decide to give that person that gift of that something special in the first place?
Here, let me make a guess… You do not have a gift packed and wrapped and ready to go. It’s not sitting in a pretty bag by your door, waiting for you to grab it on your way out to give it to that someone special. Yesterday, the day before, the day before that you were not out there searching for that perfect present that you hoped to give to that individual you really care about.
Why is that? Why do you not have the planned and well-sought out gift to give to that someone special?
The answer to that question can take on many forms. But, the truth in that question, and your answer to that question, ultimately remains the same. What is that truth? You have not planned to give that someone special or even that someone not so special anything. Your thoughts never shifted from yourself to what would make the life of that someone else better, more, or happier.
All this being said—all this being questioned, what are you going to do about it?