The Scott Shaw Blog Be Positive

Opinions are for the Opinionated

Kinda interesting… I was doing a bit of a reorganization of my vinyl. I popped on the TV and Trump was giving a speech and a Q&A about what he will do when he returns to office in a week or so. It was interesting in that more or less sort of way. …Interesting to hear about the direction he is planning to take the country.
After the speech, which I watched on CNN, the CNN talking heads all began to totally bash Trump. …Being as CNN is a liberal leaning station. Couldn’t take it. I popped over to FOX, where they had a completely different take on the speech. Everything was rainbows and kittens and the U.S. was finally (again) heading in the right direction. FOX being a right-wing leaning station.  Couldn’t take that either. Turned off the TV.
This interpretation of Trump’s speech provides a very interesting view into the mind of humanity. And, it is not pretty.
I heard the speech and the Q&A, but I simply let it exist in its own perfection. I let Trump say what he was going to say and took that as the compete(d) message. I didn’t try to throw my opinions or my interpretations on what he said. I just let him say it.
This is the source point for where a lot of the world’s problems begin, particularly on the human/interpersonal level. People want to place their own definitions upon what someone else thinks, believes, or says. They want to interpret it via their own limited understandings, because, the fact is, all human understandings are limited. They are limited by the limitations of the individual: limited by their beliefs, ideas, level of education, awareness, and interpretations.
Some people, like the ones on the cable networks, have a very large platform. What they say is heard by many.
Once upon a time, if a person hoped to reach this level of broadcast, they had to earn their way to that position, via schooling, via a steppingstone process of proving themselves, and so on. This, as we all understand, (understand if we allow ourselves to understand it), is no longer completely the case. People get out there on social media, or whatever, and spread whatever opinion they may have about whatever they wish to focus on. But, just as in the case of those who hold large platforms, these people are limited by their own limitation(s) of their own perspective.
Take a moment, think about an opinion you have. It can be on anything. Really take a moment and focus on it.  Why do you hold that opinion? Really, why do you believe what you believe? More importantly, where did you get your information to cause you to believe what you believe?
Right there, at the very crux of that understanding, is where the problem with opinions arises. Why do you believe what you believe?  The answer for most, is that they were pointed in the direction of their beliefs via the thoughts and the opinions of someone else. Very few people possess the acute discrimination to form their own opinions via a position of mental purity. Though most will deny this fact. Instead, they base what they believe on what they were taught, what they heard from others, what they want, what they desire, whom they want to love them, and whom they want to hurt. Simple as that. Opinions are not a true or a pure form of mental acuity.
Most people refuse to acknowledge that fact, however. They believe what they believe, due to what they were taught by others. …Believe, due to unresolved and undefined psychological Mind Junk. Thus, as they are not operating from a perspective of Clear Mind, all they are doing when they are listening to the opinions of others, or projecting their own opinion onto others, is to cloud the waters of life and to hide the truth of the truth that can only be known by someone who is not controlled by the opinions of others and is not trying to influence others by spouting their opinions.
Opinions are ego, simple as that. The louder one calls out their opinion, the more they are defined by their own ego. Do you really want to listen, be guided, and controlled by someone like that?
Think about it. What’s your opinion and why? Why do you listen to the opinions of others? Why do you voice your opinion? And, how does any of this/that add to the betterment of this Life Space?