The End of Your Time

I was pulling up to a parking spot today, and about to pull into it, when this person completely cut me off, taking it. I guess I could have become mad, got out of my car and yelled at him or something like that, but instead, I took the high road. I just looked at him, shook my head, and drove off looking for another parking spot.
For some reason, that moment caused me to flash back to the first time, (at least one of the first times), that happened to me. I was up in San Francisco, and I had pulled up next to a parking spot and was about to parallel park into the spot. This guy pulls right into the spot behind me, completely cutting me off. He immediately gets out of his car and walks off. Leaving me sitting there with my reverse lights on. Again, I could have taken it another direction, but I let it go, knowing that is just how San Francisco drivers are. It’s cutthroat. Stupidly so… I mean, isn’t San Francisco where the Summer of Love took place.  What an illusion-ized joke the depiction of that era has become. Anyway…
How do you feel? How do you behave when you get that parking spot? That last parking spot that someone else needed way more than you, but you took it anyway? Are you happy? Does it make you feel like you accomplished soothing? Does it make you feel like you got over on someone? Or, does it make you feel guilty that you stole something from someone else?  The answer to that question will tell you a lot about who and what you truly are. Think about it…
You know, there always seems to be the question posed of people, “What is it that you hoped to accomplish with your life, but did not?” And, various versions of the stuff like that… Well, what is it? What is it that you hoped to do with your life that you could not or did not?
Truly answer that question. Really, think it through.
I am sure, there are one to a million answers and reasons you can point to explaining to yourself why what you wanted did not happen. Okay… That’s life. I am also sure if you asked yourself that question when you were ten, you would have had one answer, when you were twenty, you would have had another answer, when you were thirty, another, and so on… But, there are always, in everyone’s life, that something that you wished would occur but did not.
Now, ask yourself, what part did you play in that lack of outcome? What part, in the what you have done, whom you have done it to, or what you did not do, that caused you to not achieve that desire that you held? Answer truthfully.
Here's the thing, each action you take is based upon whom you truly are or what you have been schooled to do. For example, me, I would not rob someone/anyone of a parking space. How about you? Me, if I did something to hurt or mess someone over like that, I would apologize. I would try to fix it. How about you? 
And, of course, snaking a parking space is just an example.
Again, ask yourself, when something has gone wrong in your life, at least wrong as you define wrong to be, what part did you play in it? Did you instigate a situation that led to another situation? That caused some negative situation to be created. That lead to you not getting what you hoped to get in that moment? Really, be honest with yourself.   
Like the question, “What is it that you hoped to accomplish with your life, but you did not?” There is also the common question, “What will be the definition of you and your life at the end of your days?” Do you ever ponder that question?
Right now, why don’t you take a moment and think about it. What happens if you were no more, today? Be honest. Really take a moment and think about what you did, what you achieved, whom you have helped, and whom you have hurt in this Life Space throughout your years of existence. How many parking spots did you steal?
Most people do not consider any of this until they are on their death bed. Having now had the opportunity, (if you want to call it that), to interact with more than a few people at the last stages of their life, by this stage of my life, I have found that many are very regretful of their actions, and what they did not do, did not achieve, and whom they hurt, while others could not give a shit. They just want to hurry up the process and die. Think about it, how were each of these types of people remembered?
I get it, few people question any of their behavior(s). They just do what they do and are happy when they snake that parking spot and get over on that someone else. But really, ask yourself, is that the best way to be? Is that the best way to live your life? Is that how you want to be remembered?
For me, I do not want any negativity surrounding me. I find that when there is something negative or someone negative prominent in my life, it holds me back. It keeps me from being who I see myself to be. Thus, I try to catch negativity at its source and remove it from my life. If I have to move away from someone, that is what I do. If I have to apologize to someone, for something I did, (even inadvertently), that is what I do. I try to make it right.
How about you? How much negativity is in your life? How much have you created? How much have you let it? Who around you guided you on the path of negativity verses who around you guided you on the path of positivity? Be honest!
What I am saying is… What I am asking you to consider is… Answer those life questions that are commonly asked: “What is it that you hoped to accomplish with your life, and you did not?” And, “What will be the definition of you and your life at the end of your days?”
The fact is, what you do and what you do after what you have done becomes the final definition of the culmination of your life. While you live, if you do positive things, if you fix anything that you’ve broken, that allows you to travel in a positive pattern and most hopefully live your dream, becoming the best version of yourself that you can be. If, on the other hand, you steal those parking spots, and do not care, causing hurt feelings, anger, and chaos, that too can become your final definition.
You wanted to become something, what are you going to do today to achieve it? What are you going to do to get you there? Who are you going to forgive? Who are you going to apologize to. Because, the foundation of whatever you hope to become begins with what you
personally do.
So, people are speaking of you and remembering you, what are they going to say? Are they going to remember you for the positive things you did or the parking spaces that you stole?