Psychic Insanity

This woman popped up in one of my feeds the other day. I believe I’ve encountered a posting or two from her in the past. She said something very profound and dramatically to the point in the short clip. “Just because I hear voices that other people don’t hear and see things that other people don’t see does not make me psychic.”
As the story goes, she suffers from schizophrenia.  As we all understand, this is mental illness that causes people to encounter various levels of reality that only exists in their own mind. …Much like if someone takes a hallucinogenic drug. But, for someone like her, the effects never go away. She must live with them throughout her life, quashed only by the medicines she may be prescribed.
Her point is very well taken. And, as all of you who read this blog understand, I am no fan of psychics. I have yet to ever meet one who was able to answer a question that no one could know the answer to but me. I mean, that’s the thing I always suggest that anyone ask a psychic, if you go in for a reading, before they ever begin dishing out all of their bullshit, ask them a question that they cannot know the answer to. At best, all they will do is dance around the fact about why they can’t answer it. But, if they are a true psychic, shouldn’t they be able to?
In any case, walking the Spiritual Path for as long as I have, I have encountered a number of people who claim that they hold some psychic ability or can hear and see things that no one else can comprehend. Generally, I immediately call, “Bull shit.” Because nobody is any better or more all-powerful than anyone else. Yes, in some cases, some people do suffer from mental illness. Some, have it under their control enough, however, that they then use it to their advantage and make it into a business. But, is that all knowing power? No, that is just mental illness.
Now, I am not saying that all so-called psychics are mentally ill. Nor am I saying that all are con artists out to make a buck. Some probably believe they hold some kind of a gift. But, what is that gift? And, who gave it to them? More importantly, why? I am sure in their own mind they may hold an answer for each of those questions. But, are those valid and true answers or something only believed and propagated by themselves?
The fact is, a lot of people want to be a super hero. As they can’t fly through the air, or anything like that, what they do is (maybe) believe and claim that they hold some internal superpower that no one can really question. But do they? Do they really? Or, is it just a develop brand of mental illusion that only exists in their own mind? Think about this before you ever turn to a psychic.