Do You Exist?
In life, the common mindset is that people want to BE. There is, of course, the statement made by Descartes, “Cogito, ergo sum,” which translates into, “I think, therefore I am,” but is more commonly (mis)quoted as, “I think I am, therefore I am.”
Everyone wants to BE. They see themselves as that Some Thing. They have desire(s) to become that Some Thing. Thus, they spend their entire life chasing after that whatever it is.
The problem with this style of Life and Life Style is, however, that by living your life in this manner, your life is a nonstop quest. There is never the moment of Non-Being. There is only time spent in the chase.
If your desired outcome is reached, you are happy, at least for a moment. If it is not, your life in left in a state of misery.
Have you ever looked at the life of someone who has obtained? More often than not, they are the ones who waste that gift. Once achieved, maybe they operate from a perspective of ego, or laziness, or treating others as they are somehow lesser than them. Thus, a nonstop barrage of negative karma is set into motion by this individual. They take. They hurt. They destroy. But, what do they actually give?
Think about your own life. What perspective do you operate from? My guess, as this is the case of most people, is that you are chasing after that Some Thing, whatever that something may be. You want.
But, take a look at how that quest has affected your life. Has that quest made you happy? Has it left you fulfilled? Or, has it caused you grief, by however you may define that term. Has that quest caused you misspent money? Have you hurt others in the process? Have you hurt the ultimate GOOD being you could have become had you not walked down that road?
There is no one that can answer any of this but yourself. But, the fact is, life is life. And, your life is bound by the karma you developed by what you have done and will do. Thus, your life, be it happy, sad, fulfilled, or just the opposite, is all created by you. Create by you, as you are chasing after that whatever it is that you have chosen to chase after. Do you ever think about any of this?
Just for fun, let’s take a look at the living of life from a different perspective. Let’s look at it based upon the understanding of Zen.
Zen Buddhism operates from a more abstract perspective than simply spending your life chasing after one desire or the other and, thus, creating a boatload of negative karma, and dashed dreams, as you walk down your path of life. Essentially, Zen is a path guiding the individual towards enlightenment and liberation from suffering. Two of the central ideas of the Zen Buddhist philosophy deal with the notion of Non-Existence or “Sunyata,” and Non-Self, “Anatta.”
Let’s dive into this a little bit deeper…
Sunyata, translates as, “Emptiness,” or, “Voidness.” Sunyata is a fundamental concept in Mahayana Buddhism. It suggests that all phenomena are devoid of intrinsic, independent existence. At its core, Sunyata teaches that things do not possess an inherent nature or essence. Instead, they simply exist only in relation to other things, dependent on causes and conditions. Thus, no One Thing is no One Thing. You are not You. You are only the concept of You, defined by the All and the Everything else that surrounds you.
This interdependent reality or, “Pratityasamutpada,” details that nothing arises independently; everything is interconnected in a web of cause and effect or, “Karma.”
For example, a tree does not exist in isolation—it relies on soil, water, sunlight, and air. These conditions are, in turn, dependent on other factors, creating a complex network of interdependence.
Sunyata invites practitioners to transcend dualistic thinking and perceive the interconnectedness of all things. By recognizing emptiness, it leads you towards wisdom by freeing your mind from desires, attachments, and aversions, which are all at the root cause of suffering.
By understanding Sunyata, you can cultivate a compassionate and altruistic attitude, seeing the world as an interconnected whole rather than a collection of isolated entities.
By embracing the concept of Sunyata you can additionally transform your daily experience. The understanding of Sunyata encourages you to let go of rigid perceptions and embrace fluidity and change. For instance, personal identity is not a fixed thing but it is continuously shaped by external influences, relationships, and experiences. By acknowledging the emptiness of Self, you can approach life with greater openness and flexibility.
Another one of primary concept in Zen Buddhism is, “Anatta,” or, “Non-Self.” This doctrine asserts that there is no permanent, unchanging Self or Soul within living beings. Unlike many other spiritual traditions that proclaims the existence of an eternal soul, Buddhism teaches that what we perceive as the Self is merely a collection of transient phenomena.
From the understanding defined by the term, “Vinnana,” or “Consciousness;” i.e.: the awareness of sensory and mental processes, one is taught the fact that all life aggregates are impermanent and constantly changing. Thus, clinging to the notion of a fixed Self results in attachment and suffering. By realizing Anatta, practitioners can dismantle the illusion of Self and cultivate a deeper understanding of reality.
Okay, okay, I know that a bunch deep metaphysical mumbo-jumbo. But, here’s the fact, the realization of Non-Self has profound implications for personal growth and relationships. It fosters humility, reduces ego-driven conflicts, curbs rampant desires, and encourages empathy. By recognizing the transient nature of the Self, one can develop a more compassionate and Selfless attitude toward others and life as a whole. It will free you from a constant state of chasing and by being defined by your unfulfilled desires.
How does one attain Non-Self? Just let go. Let go of all of the Mind Junk that you hold. Let go of who you think you are, what you want, whom you hope to become, who you want to be with, and the everything else. Just let it go.
Even if you do this for a few moments, it may have a profound effect on how you perceive reality.
In fact, try it right now. Close your eyes and just let go.
The concepts of Sunyata and Anatta are closely related and reinforce each other. Sunyata or voidness emphasizes the lack of inherent existence in phenomena, while the Non-Self understanding of Anatta underscores the absence of a permanent, Independent Self. Together, they provide a comprehensive framework for understanding the true nature of reality and may provide you with a pathway towards a less desire-filled life and offer you a greater path to liberation.
The concepts of non-existence in Buddhism challenge conventional notions of identity and reality. By understanding and embracing these teachings, practitioners can transcend attachment, reduce suffering, and cultivate a compassionate and interconnected worldview. Ultimately, the realization of non-existence is a path to profound wisdom and liberation, offering a transformative vision of the world and our place within it.
Try it. Close your eyes and just let go.