The Order of Your Disorder

For each person, they possess a unique definition of what is in-order for them. Meaning, they possess an order to their life that is defined by their own mind and their own mental circumstances, and though it may not be what it commonly accepted by the outer masses, that is how they live their life.
There are various levels to this sense of definition and order. Certainly, how one lives their physical existence is commonly at the forefront of this observational discussion. This is because of the fact that it is easy to see if a person is living their life beyond what is normally considered an orderly existence. All you have to do is look at the interior of a person’s car; is it clean and orderly or is a complete mess with trash and objects and a bunch of junk throughout. Does a person wear sloppy, dirty clothing? That fact is, it is obvious to observe if they are living an orderly life.
This is the same with hoarders. Simply look at their living situation and it is clear to tell if they are living what is commonly considered an orderly existence.
Since the beginning of that TV show, Hoarder, the world has truly been able to peer into the mind of the people that live a hoarder’s lifestyle; equaling disorder in their life. The thing is, during each episode you see how these people, (these hoarders), each possess a defined reasoning for why they do what they do. Even if they realize what they are doing is abnormal and wrong, their mind/their logic will not let them move beyond their compulsion.
For example, I have a friend who creates and repairs music instruments. His shop has been a hoarder’s nightmare for decades. In fact, thirty years ago, (or something like that), when he was forced to move his establishment due to the redevelopment of where he was initially located, I was the only non-employee to help him move the insane amount of stuff he possessed to his new shop. He’s even had the fire department come in, doing an inspection, and make him clean up the insane mess that greets anyone who walks through the door. But, all he did was to shift his hoard. He bought new, industrial shelving, and stuff like that. In his mind, he needs all of that stuff, as he never knows when he may need this part or that screw or that whatever. And, maybe that’s true. That’s his logic. But, it’s an insane mess. Ultimately meaning, all the people who live a life of disorder have a reason for doing it.
Certainly, a life of disorder goes far beyond a life defined by massive material possessions or just living in dirt and filth. It also exists in the mental space. In fact, isn’t that where all life defined by chaos and disorder is given birth to?
People who live with an undefined mind find themselves doing mean, hurtful, uncaring, dirty, and disorganized things. They are the ones who become junkies, drunks, gamblers, liars, and abusers. You name it, they are it. Why? It is all based in their mental capacity defined by how they define the order of their reality.
Of course, from a psychological perspective, we can understand that many factors go into how a person becomes the individual they are. It is based in their mind; what they have lived through, been subjected to, and have been forced to encounter.  But, beyond all of that, is their order in your disorder?
The thing is, to the mind of a person living a life defined by disorder, they may well believe it is All Right. But, even if it is to them, there is the clear understanding that people who live in this state are not only detrimental to themselves but the entire world around them, because other people have to deal with their disorder—whatever that disorder may be.
Yes, some hoarders hide their hoarding very well inside their homes. But, hiding is always only hiding. Hiding is never resolving.
One can argue that each person has the right to live their life the way they wish to live their life. And, I agree with that. But, disorder forever leaves the person living that lifestyle in a constant state of disorder. It is never a pure, clean, or righteous space. Thus, any change—any wish to live a life of order must come from within. It must be an organic realization.  
Order and disorder come in many flavors: how you live your life, what you do with your life, and what the way you are living your life is doing to others.
From the perspective of Zen, order in Zen Buddhism is not just about maintaining a tidy environment or following a strict routine. It is about creating a space, both externally and internally, that fosters peace and awareness. This order is seen as a reflection of the cosmic order, where everything has its place and purpose.
In Zen monasteries, for example, the physical order is highly emphasized. The daily activities are meticulously planned and executed with precision. Cleaning, cooking, gardening, and other chores are not viewed as mundane tasks but as integral parts of the Zen practice. Each activity is performed mindfully, with full attention to the present moment. This physical order helps to cultivate mindfulness and discipline, which are essential for spiritual growth and mental order.
Mental order in Zen Buddhism involves cultivating a calm and focused mind. This is achieved through various practices like zazen, or seated meditation. The aim is to quiet the mind, letting go of distractions and thoughts, to experience a state of pure awareness. It is understood that a well-ordered mind is clear, present, and capable of seeing things as they truly are. Thus, when this individual experiences the reality of life reality they are able to do so with a refined sense of order, not random chaos, leading to life defined by disorder.
Order in Zen is about living in accordance with the understood precepts for living a positive life and lifestyle. These include practicing compassion, humility, non-attachment, and order. By following these principles, practitioners create a harmonious and balanced life, free from unnecessary suffering and conflict, which is one of the commonly place symptom of living a life defined by a lack of order, leading to chaos both on the physical and the mental plane.
Ultimately, if order in your life can be viewed as an essential component, you and everyone else’s existence is taken to the space of overall better. Order becomes the name of the game. It is no longer a chore to maintain or enact or disseminate.  
Order extends beyond the confines of living some sort of holy life. If you simply bring the same mindfulness and discipline to your everyday activities, whether they are your work, your home-life, or your social interactions, then order becomes the essential element of your life, and it takes no work or self-disciple.
By maintaining order in your life, you create a foundation for inner peace and spiritual growth. Moreover, mindful living is about being fully present in each moment and performing each task with attention and care. This practice helps to reduce stress, increase productivity, and enhance overall well-being. It also fosters a deeper connection with oneself and the world around you.
Order or disorder, it is your choice. You know what order feels like, just as you know what disorder feels like. Which feels better?

If you exist in a life-space of disorder, it may take some work to clean it up and create a life-space of order. But, isn't order better than disorder? Your life, your choice.