The Sucker in the Sucker Punch

I often find it very curious in life, as I pass my way through it, how people are more common than not using the sucker punch to come at someone. As a martial artist and a martial arts instructor for most of life, I have discussed, written about, and taught my students how to defend against the sucker punch. But, there is one very big problem in any defense against the sucker punch. That is, if you are sucker punched that means that you have already been hit from behind by a person who is not honorable enough to come at you face-to-face. So, at best, you are left in the position of vulnerability recovering from what has already been done to you.
I think if we look around at life, we see people sucker punching other people all the time. I mean, whether this is via the physical form of an aggressor hoping to get the attacker’s advantage over their victim, to the person who seeks and steal from someone, hidden by the cover of darkness, onto the person who goes at someone either physically or verbally or by other methods flanked by a gang of supporters, onto the coward who lies about and trash talks someone on the internet.  However it happens, the sucker punch occurs, and then the victim is left dealing with the consequences.
I imagine that the people who read this blog are not the type of individual that would ever even consider sucker punching another human being. For anyone who lives a life based in consciousness knows that style of behavior is just wrong. This being said, I also imagine that many of you out there have been sucker punched, in one form or another, as you have passed through your life. I know I have been in both the physical and the emotional arenas. Then what? What can you do to recover?
I guess recovery is all based upon the situation. But, on a deeper level, do you really want to interact in self-defense or otherwise with a person who would sucker punch you in the first place?
When I have interacted with people who have either sucker punched me or I have found out about what they have done to someone else, I always try to guide them in the direction of making things right and undo the hurt. I believe this is where the true definition of that person is found. Do they try to undo or fix the hurt they have caused? If they do, good for them! There is hope for their soul. But, this is not always the case. Many people, either due to the prodding of others, or their own ego, (or whatever else you want to call it), do not possess the mental acuity to be that better person. The question of, “Why,” can go on forever, but that is almost not the point. They sucker punched someone. They hurt someone. They damaged the body or the life of that other individual in whatever way they were trying to hurt them, and then, feeling no remorse, or maybe even experiencing jubilation, did not even attempt to undo what they have done. What does that say about an individual who behaves in that way of Life Living?
You know, like I have taught my students in the class, the minute you are sucker punched you must fight back with all of your strength, as you have been hit first, and possibly marginally debilitated, thus, you may not have a second chance to adequately defend yourself if you do not come out of the gate fast and hard. But, that’s in the fighting arena. In the arena of life, a battle is not all that clearly defined. Again, do you wish to actually interact with an individual who behaves in that manner? Only you can answer that question. And, this brings us back to the main point of this essay. If you are sucker punched, that means that you have been hit first and hit unexpectedly. And, if this is not an actual physical confrontation, there may be no clear method to defend yourself. Then what?  We can all hope that anyone witnessing this style of behavior wound never take the side of the person who has instigated that style of cowardly attack. And, in fact, come to your aid. But, how rarely is that the case?
The thing is, good is always good. It is very obvious. Just as bad is always bad. But, look around you, look at the world, how many people relish in the realms of bad behavior and hurtful words and actions?
So, what if you are sucker punched? If it’s on the street, I say fight back with all that you’ve got. Because if you do not physically defend yourself you may become truly hurt or maybe even dead. In the other, more abstract, realms of life, just do what you can do to keep the damage to the minimal and your recovery the most expedient possible. Mostly, never be that person. Don’t be the person who hurts someone from behind. In fact, never hurt anyone! We all know hurt is bad. We all know that hurt hurts. Don’t do it! If you see or hear it being done to someone else, be that better person. Support the individual on the receiving end of any attack. Negate the sucker puncher. Because if you don’t, you are no better than the person unleashing the sucker punch.