The Greatest Day of Your Life or Else!

Kinda funny… I was taking a few minutes and popping through my feed on Facebook this AM and this piece comes up. It’s a photo of a beautiful seascape and it said, “If you watch this video to the end and you like it and share it you will have the greatest day of your life. If you don’t, all badness will befall you…” Or, something like that. Me, I smiled and clicked past the piece.
As far as my day is going, it’s great! I’m working on this new piece of music that I really like how it’s coming out. I bumped into an old friend that I haven’t seen in quite a while. It was fun to talk for a few. I was listening to some great music via the radio while I was driving. You know how sometimes the music flowing over the airwaves is just good. I got some fun ingredients for the dinner I will prepare later this evening. Plus, that piece on YouTube gave me the inspiration to write this blog. So much for threats…
You know, that kind of stuff has been going on forever. I remember when I was a kid there were ministers and churches that would dish out that kind of rhetoric via the postal service. It would come on post cards or in letters telling you that if you sent them money all would be well with your world. If you did not, damnation would find you.
Some people are really superstitions. They buy into that level of bullshit. That’s how these people, who do that kind of stuff, get over on them.
I remember the first time I was in India when I was seventeen. I was kicking around Connaught Place in New Deli. There were all these people back then, lining the street, selling their wares or their whatever. Some prayer beads caught my eye, and I was looking at them. The seller went into this whole spiel, that he was a psychic, and he knew I had come to India to find spirituality. I began to smile. There I am, this white guy in India, wearing East India style clothing, with long hair, a long beard, a mala around my neck, looking at prayer beads. Wow, he really was psychic! Happy
He told me if I gave him this certain amount of rupees, my journey would be great, and I would find enlightenment. If I did not, all would go bad. 
I smiled. I did give him a few rupees. I figured that he needed them way more than I.
FYI: the amount of rupees he asked for was like twenty cents.  But, what that guy did was just the same game. There are those who look for people who do not possess a strong mind and they strike. Me, I just wanted to be charitable.
What that piece in my feed today actually wanted, I will never find out. That’s okay. I’m sure my life will be fine. They don’t have any power over me.
And, this is the thing to remember. No one has any power over you that you do not allow them to possess. No one is so all psychicly or religiously or whateverly powered that they can control your life in any way, shape, or form, if you do not relinquish that power to them.
Moral of the story, give no one power over you.