The People in Your Life
Think about the people in your life. Think about the people in your life both present and past.
Make a list of what each person has done to help you and what each person has done to hurt you. It may help if you actually write this list down.
You need to be very honest with yourself as you create this list. Do not allow yourself to be unfair or biased in either a positive or a negative direction simply due to your current personal feelings about the individual.
Now that you have made this list, compare. Do the people you know, (or have known), have they helped you more or have they hurt you more?
Now, look at that list. Turn it around. Think of each person and honestly define all of the positive things you have done for that individual and all of the negative things you have done to or about that person. Again, you must be very honest with yourself.
Compare the two lists. Where do the people you know, and have known, stand in the definition of what they have given to you or what they have taken away from your life?
Compare the two lists. Where do you stand in the definition of what you have given to and/or have taken away from the life of the people in your life?
From these lists you may gain a penetrating look into not only your own personality, and who you are attracted to, but into whom you have chosen or allowed to shape your existence. Mostly, by comparing what other people have done to you, both in a positive and negative manner, and what you have done to others, both in a positive and negative manner, you may be able to decide what you need to change in your life.