Hapkido Curriculum for Scott Shaw's Hapkido Taekwondo International
Hapkido Ki Sul Kwan
White Belt to 5th Dan Black Belt

This Hapkido Curriculum, designed by Scott Shaw, is placed here on this website as an aid to understanding the process of development that a Hapkido Practitioner undergoes. We’ve noticed that a number of people and some websites have taken this curriculum and used it without providing credit to their source. If you are going to utilize this curriculum as a means of reference or to help formalize the training in your own school please be honorable and provide the credit as to where you obtained it.  
Primary Goals of Scott Shaw's Hapkido Taekwondo International Hapkido Ki Sul Kwan:
1. Yom Chi — Honor.
2. In Nak — Perseverance.
3. Guk Gi — Self Control.
4. Bae Jul Bul Gool — Touching the Divine Spirit.
5. Ki Gong — Interaction with the universal energy of Ki.
The Principals of Hapkido:
1. Continuous Motion.
2. Never meet force with force.
3. Use your opponent's own aggressive against himself.
4. The utilization of circular movement.
Understanding Hapkido:
1. Founded by Yong Shul Choi.
2. Hapkido means, "The Way of Universal Power."
3. The primary goal of Hapkido is not self-defense — it is universal awareness.
The Rank Structure of Scott Shaw's Hapkido Taekwondo International
Hapkido Ki Sul Kwan:
10 Gup White Belt
9 Gup Yellow Belt
8 Gup Yellow Belt, one stripe
7 Gup Yellow Belt, two stripes
6 Gup Blue Belt
5 Gup Blue Belt, one stripe
4 Gup Blue Belt, two stripes
3 Gup Red Belt
2 Gup Red Belt, one stripe
1 Gup Red Belt, two stripes
1st Dan Black Belt
Formal Hapkido Curriculum for Scott Shaw's Hapkido Taekwondo International — Hapkido Ki Sul Kwan:
9th Gup — Yellow Belt Requirements:
General Knowledge:
1. Proper bowing, sitting, and basic stances.
2. Proper wearing of the Hapkido uniform — Do Bok.
3. Approximately three months of training in Hapkido.
4. No age requirement.
Gi Bon Ja Sae — Basic Stances:
1. Jae Kyen Sae — Natural Fighting Stance.
2. Gi Bong Pyung Ja Sae — Fighting Stance.
3. Gi Ma Jae Sae — Horse Stance.
Nak Bop — Basic Falling Techniques:
1. Jung Bang Nak Bop — Front Fall.
2. Hu Bang Nak Bop — Back Fall.
3. Chun Bang Nak Bop — Side Fall.
4. Jyung Bang Hwa Jun Nak Bop — Forward Roll.
Bal Ki — Ki Breathing:
1. Bok Si Ki Hap Breathing — First Ki Breath.
2. Phyng Min Ki Hap — Ki Breath in association with arm movement.
3. Defining the Tan Jun (Center Point) Breathing Exercise.
4. (3) Dynamic Tension, warm-up, Ki exercises.
Soo Gi — Hand and Arm Attacks:
1. Horse Stance — Middle Punch.
2. Jung Kwan — Straight Punch.
3. Soo Do — Frontal Knife Hand.
4. Hu Kwan — Back Fist.
Jok Gi — Kicking Techniques:
1. Ap Cha Gi — Basic Front Kick.
2. Yup Cga Gi — Basic Side Kick.
3. Dollo Cha Gi — Basic Roundhouse Kick.
Mak Gi — Basic Blocks:
1. Najunde Mak Gi — Low Block
2. Anuro Mak Gi — Inward Block.
3. Bakuro Mak Gi — Outward Black.
4. Kyocha Jumuk Mak Gi — Cross Arm Block.
5. Yuin Mak Gi — Basic Side Step Deflection Block.
Hosin Sul — Self-Defense Techniques:
Jap Yosul Tae — Defense Against the Grabbing Attack:
Son Mok Sul — Straight Arm Wrist Grab:
(5) Disengaging and Counter Strike Techniques.
Yuk Son Mok Sul — Cross Arm Wrist Grab:
(5) Disengaging and Counter Strike Techniques.
Bhang Kwon Sul — Punches Defense:
(3) Straight Punch Blocks followed by Counter Strike with Fist.
(2) Straight Punch Blocks followed by Counter Strike with Knife Hand.
(3) Roundhouse Punch Block followed by Counter Strike with Fist.
8th Gup - Yellow Belt with One Stripe Requirements:
General Knowledge:
1. Minimum three months of classes since obtaining 9th Gup.
2. Demonstrated knowledge of the previous Hapkido techniques.
3. Basic Sparring.
4. No age requirement.
Ja Sae — Stances:
1. Gong Kyul Ja Sea — Offensive Fighting Stance.
2. Dae Be Ja Sae — Defensive Fighting Stance.
Bal Ki — Ki Breathing:
1. Sa Mein Ki Hap — Cross Arm Ki Breathing Exercise.
2. Jung Mein Ki Hap - Knife Hand Ki Breathing Exercise.
Soo Gi — Hand and Arm Attacks:
1. Soo Jang — Palm Strike.
2. Joo Chum — Basic Forward Elbow Strike.
3. Sang Joo — Basic Reverse Elbow Strike.
4. Soo Do — Reverse Knife Hand.
Cha Gi — Kicking Techniques:
1. Dwit Cha Gi — Back Kick.
2. Man Dal Cha Gi — Outside Crescent Kick.
3. Nae Man Dal Gi — Inside Crescent Kick.
Mak Gi — Blocking Techniques:
1. Chookyu Mak Gi — Upward Block.
2. Mom Chu Mak Gi — Checking Block.
3. Daebi Mak Gi — Guarding Block.
Hosin Sul — Self-Defense Techniques:
Jap Yosul Tae — Defense Against the Grabbing Attack:
Son Mok Sul — Straight Arm Wrist Grab:
(3) Disengaging Techniques followed by Counter Strike.
(2) Disengaging Technique followed by Joint Lock.
Yuk Son Mok Sul — Cross Wrist Grabs Defense:
(2) Disengaging Techniques followed by Counter Strike.
(3) Disengaging Technique followed by Joint Lock.
Jung Kwon Bang Bop — Punch Defense:
(3) Straight Punch Blocks followed by Hand Counter Strike.
(2) Straight Punch Blocks followed by Joint Lock.
(1) Roundhouse Punch Block followed by Roundhouse Kick Counter Strike.
7th Gup — Yellow Belt with Two Stripes Requirements:
General Knowledge:
1. Minimum three Months attended since obtaining 8th Gup.
2. Demonstrates knowledge of previous techniques.
3. Advancement in Basic Sparring.
4. No age requirement.
Bal Ki — Ki Breathing:
1. Ha Bok Ki Hap — Horse Stance Ki Breathing Exercise.
2. Sang Book Ki Hap — Push the Clouds, Ki Breathing Exercise.
Mak Gi — Blocking Techniques:
1. An Mak Gi — Inside Block
2. Naery Mak Gi — Downward Block.
Cha Gi — Kicking Techniques:
1. Inside Front Kick.
2. Ban Dal Cha Gi — Axe Kick.
3. Stepping Side Kick.
Hosin Sul — Self-Defense Techniques:
Jap Yosul Tae — Defense Against the Grabbing Attack:
Son Mok Sul — Straight Arm Wrist Grab:
(5) Disengaging techniques leading to Joint Locks.
Yuk Son Mok Sul — Cross Arm Wrist Grab:
(5) Disengaging techniques leading to Joint Locks.
Jung Kwon Bang Bop — Punch Defense:
(5) Straight Punch Blocks followed by Joint Lock.
(5) Roundhouse Punch Block followed by Roundhouse Kick Counter Strike.
Kick Interceptions Against Punches:
(1) Front Kick interception against the oncoming Straight Punch.
(1) Side Kick interception against the oncoming Roundhouse Punch.
6th Gup — Blue Belt Requirements:
General Knowledge:
1. Minimum of three Months attended since obtaining 7th Gup.
2. Competency with all previous techniques.
3. Advancement in Self-Defense and Free Sparring.
4. No age requirement.
5. Beginning Pressure Point Understanding.
Bal Ki — Ki Breathing:
1. Ji Book Ki Hap, Ki-Hand, Ki Breathing Exercise.
2. Bok Boo Tanh Jun, Moving Ki Breathing Exercise.
Nak Bop — Falling Techniques:
1. Jang Ea Mul Nak Bop — Jump and roll over obstacle.
Soo Gi — Hand and Arm Attacks:
1. Yi Kwon — Under Hand Fist.
2. Chunk Kwon — Side Fist.
3. Il Ji Kwan Soo — Single Finger.
4. E Ji Kwan Soo — Double Finger.
5. Nae Kwan Soo — Spear Hand.
Cha Gi — Kicking Techniques:
1. Lead Leg Front Kick.
2. Lead Leg Side kick.
3. Lead Leg Roundhouse Kick.
4. Front Roundhouse Kick.
5. Front Side Kick.
6. Hook Kick.
7. Stepping Roundhouse Kick.
8. Sweep Kick.
Makki — Blocking Techniques:
1. Olly Makki — Upwards Block.
2. Goll Cho Makki — Hooking Block.
3. Hechyo Makki — Wedging Block.
4. Bujaba Makki — Grasping Block.
5. Pi Haki Makki — Dodging Block.
Hosin Sul — Self-Defense Techniques:
Jap Yosul Tae — Defense Against the Grabbing Attack:
Defense Against Collar Grabs:
(3) Strike, Disengage, leading to Joint Locking techniques.
Defense Against the Middle Sleeve Grabs:
(2) Disengaging and Joint Locking techniques.
Defense Against the Straight Shoulder Grab:
(2) Disengaging and Joint Locking techniques.
Defense Against the Forward Choke Hold:
(2) Disengaging and Counter Striking Techniques.
Defense Against Overhand Belt Grab:
(2) Counter Strike, Joint Locking techniques.
Defense Against Underhand Belt Grab:
(2) Counter Strike, Joint Locking techniques.
5th Gup — Blue Belt With One Stripe Requirements:
General Knowledge:
1. Knowledge of all previous techniques.
2. Approximately six months of additional training since last promotion.
3. Increased Self-Defense and Free Sparring abilities.
4. No age requirement.
5. Advancing in Pressure Point Strike Understanding.
Bal Ki — Ki Breathing:
(1) Kyune Fa Boon Be Ki Hap - Ki to Body Power Movement Exercise.
Soo Gi — Hand and Arm Attacks:
1. Nae Kwon Soo — Forearm Strike.
2. Wae Won Soo — Outside Forearm Strike.
Cha Gi — Advancing Kicking Techniques:
1. Spinning Heel Kick.
2. Spinning Rear Sweep Kick.
Cha Gi Bok Shik — Same Leg Double Kicks:
1. Front Kick — Side Kick.
2. Front Kick — Roundhouse Kick.
3. Low Side Kick — High Side Kick.
4. Low Side Kick — High Hook Kick.
Ape Cha Gi — Jumping Kicks:
1. E Dan Ape Cha Gi — Jumping Front Kick.
2. E Dan Dollyo Cha Gi — Jumping Roundhouse Kick.
3. E Dan Up Cha Gi — Jumping Side Kick.
Hosin Sul — Self-Defense Techniques:
Jap Yosul Tae — Defense Against the Grabbing Attack:
Son Mok Sul — Straight Arm Wrist Grab:
(5) Disengaging techniques leading to Throw.
Yuk Son Mok Sul — Cross Arm Wrist Grab:
(5) Disengaging techniques leading to Throw.
One-Handed Frontal Neck Grab:
(2) Disengage, Counter Strike, Joint Lock.
(2) Disengaging techniques leading to Throw.
Handshake Defense:
(2) Counter Strike leading to Joint Lock.
(2) Counter Strike leading to Throw.
Rear Single-Hand Wrist Grab Defense:
(2) Counter Strike leading to Throw.
Rear Single-Hand Wrist Grab Defense:
(2) Counter Strike leading to Throw.
Defense Against Forward Hair Grabs:
(2) Counter Strike leading to Joint Lock.
Defense Against Rear Hair Grabs:
(2) Counter Strike leading to Joint Lock.
Basic Deflection Techniques:
(3) Straight Punch, Side Step, and Counter Strike.
(3) Roundhouse Punch, Back Step, and Counter attack.
Bhang Jok Sul — Kick Defense:
Front Kick:
1. Cross Arm Block, Lift, and Throw.
Side Kick:
(2) Side-step deflection, Joint Lock, and Throw.
Roundhouse Kick:
(3) Retreat — Advance with Counter Strike.
4th Gup — Blue Belt With Two Stripes Requirements:
General Knowledge:
1. Minimum of three additional months of training.
2. Demonstration of knowledge of all previous techniques.
3. Continued development in self-defense and sparring abilities.
4. No age requirement.
Soo Gi — Hand and Arm Attacks:
1. Ho Gu Soo — Circle Hand.
Yun Shik Jok Sul Cha Ki — Sliding Kicks:
1. Sliding Front Kick.
2. Sliding Side Kick.
3. Sliding Ax Kick.
5. Sliding Roundhouse Kick.
6. Sliding Hook Kick.
Hosin Sul — Self-Defense Techniques:
Jap Yosul Tae — Defense Against the Grabbing Attack:
Lower Sleeve Grab Defense:
(2) Counter Strike and Joint Lock.
Middle Sleeve Grab Defense:
(4) Counter Strike and Joint Lock.
Shoulder Grab Defense:
(2) Joint Lock.
(2) Counter Strike, Joint Lock, and Throw.
Rear Collar:
(3) Joint Lock.
Belt Grab — Rear:
(2) Counter Strike and Throw.
Full Nelson:
(2) Counter Strike and Joint Lock.
(2) Counter Strike and Throw.
Side Head Lock:
(2) Counter Strike and Throw.
Free Arms — Bear Hug:
(3) Disengage and Counter Strike.
Jung Kwon Bang Bop — Punch Defense:
(3) Straight Punch Deflections leading to Throw.
(3) Roundhouse Punch Deflections leading to Throw.
Bhang Jok Sul — Kick Defense:
Front Kick:
(1) Rapid advance, Counter Strike with Straight Punch.
(2) Side step, Joint Lock, Throw.
Side Kick:
(2) Jam with Low Side Kick, Counter Strike.
Roundhouse Kick:
(2) Deflect, Throw.
Dae Moo Gi — Defense Against an Armed Attacker:
Bhange Kum Sul — Knife Defenses — Front Stabs:
(2) Interception and Counter Strike.
Club Defense — Overhead Strike:
(1) Interception, Joint Lock, and Throw.
(1) Side Step, Joint Lock, and Throw.
Frontal Gun Defense:
(1) Deflect and Counter Strike.
Rear Gun Defense:
(1) Deflect and Counter Strike.
3rd Gup Red Belt Requirements:
General Knowledge:
1. Minimum of six months of training since last advancement.
2. Knowledge of all techniques of previous rank.
3. Increased Self-Defense and Free Sparring abilities.
2. Assistant Teaching Responsibilities.
5. Advancing knowledge of Pressure Point Theory and Ki Gong.
6. No age requirement.
Bal Ki — Ki Breathing:
1. Beginning Ki-Hand development.
Soo Gi — Hand and Arm Attacks:
1. Dand Rang Soo — Praying Mantis Hand.
Ground Fighting Kicks:
1. Ground Fighting Side Kick.
2. Ground Fighting Roundhouse Kick.
3. Ground Fighting Scissor Kick.
E Dan Cha Gi — Jumping Double Kicks:
1. Inside Front Kick followed by Jump Side Kick.
2. Side Kick followed by Jumping Side Kick.
3. Front Kick followed by Jumping Spinning Crescent Kick.
4. Side Kick followed by Jumping Spinning Back Kick.
Advanced Frontal Grab Defense:
Jap Yosul Tae — Defense Against the Grabbing Attack:
Frontal Choke Hold:
(5) Pressure Point Counter Strike, Disengage, Joint Lock.
(2) Counter strike, Disengage, Throw.
Frontal Head Lock:
(1) Pressure Point Counter Strike, Disengage, Joint Lock.
(3) Pressure Point Counter Strike, Disengage, Joint Lock.
Free Arms — Bear Hug:
(3) Counter Strike, Disengage, Throw.
Arms Bound — Bear Hug:
(2) Counter Strike, Disengage, Joint Lock.
(3) Counter Strike, Disengage, Throw.
Two Handed Grabbing Defense:
(5) Counter Strike, Disengage, Throw.
Jung Kwon Bang Bop — Punch Defense:
(3) Straight Punch Deflections leading to Joint Lock.
(3) Straight Punch Deflections leading to Throw.
(3) Roundhouse Punch Deflections leading to Joint Lock.
(3) Roundhouse Punch Deflections leading to Throw.
(2) Back Fist Interception and Counter Strike.
Bhang Jok Sul — Kick Defense:
Front Kick:
(3) Interception, Throw.
Back Kick:
(2) Interception, Throw.
Spinning Heel Kick:
(2) Interception, Throw.
Axe Kick:
(1) Deflection, Counter Strike.
(1) Interception, Throw.
Dae Moo Gi — Defense Against an Armed Attacker:
Bhange Kum Sul Knife Defenses - Front Stabs:
(5) Interceptions, leading to Joint Lock.
(3) Deflections, leading to Throw.
Club Defense — Overhead Strike:
(3) Interception, Joint Lock, and Throw.
Club Defense — Side Strike:
(2) Deflect and Counter Strike.
Bong — The Korean Long Staff:
(1) Basic holding and movement techniques.
Dan Jang Shul — The Basic Hapkido Cane:
(5) Offensive Strikes.
(5) Blocks.
(4) Handle Interception.
Kumdo: The Korean Art of the Sword:
1. Sword Form One.
2nd Gup — Red Belt with One Stripe Requirements:
General Knowledge:
1. Approximately six months of training since previous promotion.
2. Knowledge of all techniques of previous ranks.
3. Continuing to advance in Assistant Instructor understanding.
4. Advancing knowledge of Pressure Point Theory, Ki Gong, and Ki-Hand.
5. No age requirement.
E Dan Cha Gi — Advanced Jumping Kicks:
1. Jumping Axe Kick.
2. Jumping Hook Kick.
3. Jumping Inside Front Kick.
Hosin Sul — Self-Defense Techniques:
Jap Yosul Tae — Defense Against the Grabbing Attack:
Son Mok Sul — Advanced Straight Arm Wrist Grab:
(5) Counter Strike to Pressure Point, Disengage, and Throw.
Yuk Son Mok Sul — Advanced Cross Arm Wrist Grab:
(5) Counter Strike to Pressure Point, Disengage, and Throw.
Advanced Two Handed Forward Wrist Grab:
(5) Counter Strike to Pressure Point, Disengage, and Throw.
Advanced Two Handed Forward Wrist Grab:
(3) Counter Strike to Pressure Point, Disengage, and Throw.
Defense Against the Forward Shove:
(2) Deflect and Throw.
Jung Kwon Bang Bop — Advanced Punch Defense:
(5) Straight Punch Deflections, Pressure Point Strikes, Throw.
(5) Roundhouse Punch Deflections, Pressure Point Strikes, Throw.
(2) Back Fist Interception, Pressure Point strike, Joint Lock.
Ground Fighting:
Single handed Choke Hold with Oncoming Punch:
(2) Intercept and Joint Lock.
Ground Fighting One handed Choke Hold:
(2) Disengage. Joint Lock. Throw.
Bhange Kum Sul Knife Defenses - Front Stabs:
(5) Deflection, Throw
Side Stabs:
(5) Deflection, Throw
Bong — The Korean Long Staff:
1. Staff Form One.
2. Staff Form Two.
Dan Jang Shul — Hapkido Cane Defense:
(10) Offensive Strikes to Pressure Points.
(5) Straight Punch Interceptions, leading to Joint Lock.
(3) Roundhouse Punch Interceptions, leading to Joint Lock.
(5) Kick Interceptions, leading to Counter Strike.
Kumdo: The Korean Art of the Sword:
1. Sword Form Two.
2. Sword Form Three.
1st Gup — Red Belt with Two Stripes Requirements:
General Knowledge:
1. Approximately six months of training since previous promotion.
2. Knowledge of all techniques of previous ranks.
3. Continues to advance in Instructor understanding.
4. Advancing knowledge of Pressure Point Theory, Ki Gong, and Ki-Hand.
5. No age requirement.
E Dan Ap Cha Gi — Advanced Jumping Kicks:
1. Jumping Spinning Back Kick.
2. Jumping Spinning Axe Kick.
3. Jumping Spinning Crescent Kick.
4. Jumping Spinning Heel Kick.
Hosin Sul — Self-Defense Techniques:
Jap Yosul Tae — Defense Against the Grabbing Attack:
Advanced One Handed Forward Choke Hold:
(3) Pressure Point Strikes leading to Throw.
Advanced Two Handed Forward Choke Hold:
(3) Pressure Point Strikes leading to Throw.
Advanced Two Handed Rear Choke Hold:
(2) Pressure Point Strikes leading to Throw.
Defense Against the Forward Pull:
(2) Counter Strike to Pressure Point, Disengage, Throw.
Defense Against the Rear Pull:
(2) Counter Strike to Pressure Point, Disengage, Throw.
Bhange Kum Sul Knife Defenses — Front Stabs:
(3) Deflect, Strike to Pressure Point, Joint Lock.
(3) Deflect, Strike to Pressure Point, Throw
In-to-Out Slash:
(5) Intercept, Throw.
(1) Intercept, Joint Lock.
Out-to-In Slash:
(2) Intercept, Throw.
(2) Intercept, Joint Lock.
Downward Slash:
(2) Deflect, Counter Strike.
(2) Intercept, Pressure Point Strike, Throw.
(2) Intercept, Joint Lock.
Ground Fighting Kick Take Downs:
(3) Intercept, Throw.
Tackle Defense:
(2) Deflect, Counter Strike.
(3) Deflect, Throw.
Ground Fighting Defense — Two handed Choke Hold:
(5) Pressure Point Strike, Disengage, Throw.
Dae Boori Gong Guk — Sudden Attack Defense:
Sitting at a Table:
(3) Counter Strike to Pressure Point.
(3) Deflect, Counter Strike, Joint Lock.
Sitting in Chair:
(1) Counter Strike to Pressure Point.
(2) Deflect, Joint Lock.
Bong — The Korean Long Staff:
1. Staff Form Three.
2. Staff Form Four.
Dan Jang Shul — Hapkido Cane Defense Against the Grabbing Attack:
(3) Punch Block, leading to Joint Locks.
(2) Punch Interceptions, Joint Lock, Throw.
(5) Kick Interceptions, Joint Lock, Throw.
Kumdo: The Korean Art of the Sword:
1. Sword Form Four.
2. Sword Form Five.
1st Dan Black Belt Requirements:
General Knowledge:
1. Approximately six months of training since promotion to 1st Gup.
2. Demonstration of all techniques of all previous ranks.
3. Advancing knowledge of Pressure Point Theory, Ki Gong, and Ki-Hand.
4. Has demonstrated good character and martial responsibility.
5. Minimum age, sixteen years old. A Junior Black Belt may be issued for those of a younger age who demonstrate adequate proficiency in Hapkido. When they reach the age of sixteen they may be retested and promoted to full 1st Dan Black Belt.
Soo Gi — Hand and Arm Attacks:
1. All Strike are reformulated to be guided solely towards Pressure Point locations.
Tuk Soo Cha Gi — Special Kicks:
1. Demonstration of the use of all advanced Hapkido kicks.
E Dan Cha Gi — Advanced Jumping Kicks:
1. Flying Scissor Kick.
Hosin Sul — Self-Defense Techniques:
Jap Yosul Tae — Defense Against the Grabbing Attack:
Jap Yosul Tae — Grabbing Attack:
At the 1st Dan level of training the Hapkido student not only continues to advances his understanding of Deflection, Joint Locking, and Throwing techniques but begins to learn how to countermanded the Joint Locks and Throws which may be unleashed by a trained adversary.
Cho Dan Son Mok Sul — 1st Dan Black Belt Defense Against the Wrist Grab:
Son Mok Sul — Advanced Straight Arm Wrist Grab:
(5) Pressure Point Counter strike, Disengaging, Throw.
Yuk Son Mok Sul — Cross Arm Wrist Grab:
(3) Pressure Point Counter strike, Disengaging, Throw.
Son Mok Sul — Countermand Straight Arm Wrist Grab:
(3) Countermanded Hapkido Joint Lock.
Yuk Son Mok Sul — Countermand Cross Arm Wrist Grab:
(3) Countermand Hapkido Joint Lock.
Two Hand Frontal Choke Hold Countermand:
(2) Countermand Hapkido Joint Lock.
Cho Dan Oh Sul — 1st Dan Black Belt Defense Against Clothing Grabs:
Shoulder Grab:
(5) Pressure Point Strike, Disengage, Throw.
Lower Sleeve:
(5) Pressure Point Strike, Disengage, Throw.
Upper Sleeve:
(2) Pressure Point Strike, Disengage, Throw.
Collar Grab:
(3) Pressure Point Strike, Disengage, Throw.
Bhang Kwon Sul — Advanced Punches Defense:
(10) Straight Punch Deflections, Pressure Point Counter Strike, Throw.
(10) Roundhouse Punch Deflections, Pressure Point Counter Strike, Throw.
Bhang Jok Sul — Advanced Kick Defense:
Jumping Front Kick:
(5) Deflect, Intercept, Throw.
Jumping Side Kick:
(3) Deflect, Intercept, Throw.
Jumping Back Kick:
(3) Deflect, Intercept, Throw.
Jumping Spinning Heel Kick:
(2) Deflect, Intercept, Throw.
Jumping Axe Kick:
(2) Deflect, Intercept, Throw.
Cho Dan Dae Moo Gi — 1st Dan Defense Against an Armed Attacker:
Bhange Kum Sul Knife Defenses - Front Stabs:
(5) Interceptions, Pressure Point Strike, Joint Lock.
(5) Deflections, Pressure Point Strike, Throw.
Side-to-Side Slash:
(5) Interception, Pressure Point Strike, Throw.
Jung Bong: The Korean Middle Staff:
(5) Basic Strikes.
(5) Basic Blocks.
Bong — The Korean Long Staff:
1. Staff Form Five.
2. Staff Form Six.
3. Beginning partner combat training.
Kumdo: The Korean Art of the Sword:
1. Sword Form Six.
2. Sword Form Seven.
3. Beginning combat with the bamboo sword — Juk Do.
2nd Dan Black Belt Requirements:
General Knowledge:
1. Approximately two years of training since 1st Dan promotion.
2. Demonstration of all techniques of all the previous ranks.
3. Advancing knowledge of Pressure Point Theory, Ki Gong, and Ki-Hand.
4. Demonstration of good character and martial responsibility.
5. Advancing understanding of teaching Hapkido.
5. Advancing knowledge in Hapkido weapons.
Three Circle Theory:
There are three ranges of Self-Defense in Hapkido — defined by three concentric circles. The first is farther than six feet from the body. The second is from six to three feet. The third is from three feet to contact. The advancing Hapkido student, at the 2nd Dan level, begins to formally employ this understanding into all aspects of Self-Defense.
Ee Dan Jap Yosul Tae — 2nd Dan Black Belt Body Grab Self-Defense:
Body Grab — Two Handed — Frontal:
(3) Pressure Point Strike, Disengage, Pressure Point Counter Strike.
(2) Pressure Point Strike, Disengage, Throw.
Body Grab — Two Handed — Rear:
(2) Pressure Point Strike, Disengage, Pressure Point Counter Strike.
(2) Pressure Point Strike, Disengage, Throw.
Frontal Two Handed Choke Hold:
(5) Pressure Point Strike, Disengage, Throw.
Rear Two Handed Choke Hold:
(5) Pressure Point Strike, Disengage, Throw.
Ground Level Full Nelson:
(2) Pressure Point Strike, Disengage, Throw.
Bhang Kwon Sul — Advanced Punches Defense:
(10) Straight Punch Deflections, Pressure Point Counter Strike, Throw.
(10) Roundhouse Punch Deflections, Pressure Point Counter Strike, Throw.
Countermanding Punch Interceptions:
(5) Straight Punch Interception, Disengage, Throw.
(5) Roundhouse Punch Interception, Disengage, Throw.
(1) Back Fist Interception, Secondary Strike to Pressure Point, Choke Hold.
Dan Bong — The Korean Short Staff:
1. Basic Strikes.
Jung Bong: The Korean Middle Staff:
(10) Strikes to Pressure Points.
(5) Straight Punch blocks leading to Joint Locks.
(5) Roundhouse Punch Blocks leading to Joint Lock.
Bong — The Korean Long Staff:
1. Staff Form Seven.
2. Staff Form Eight.
2. Advancing partner combat training.
Kumdo: The Korean Art of the Sword:
1. Sword Form Eight.
2. Sword Form Nine.
3. Juk Do — Advancing in partner combat with the bamboo sword.
3rd Dan Black Belt Requirements:
General Knowledge:
1. Approximately three years of training since 2nd Dan promotion.
2. Demonstration of all techniques of all the previous ranks.
3. Advancing knowledge of Pressure Point Theory, Ki Gong, and Ki-Hand.
4. Demonstration of good character and martial responsibility.
5. Advancing understanding of teaching Hapkido.
6. Advancing knowledge of Hapkido weapons.
Som Dan Hosin Sul — 3rd Dan Self-Defense Techniques:
Advanced Opponent Manipulation:
(5) Forward Assault - realignment of opponent's momentum driven energy.
Som Dan Jap Yosul Tae — 3rd Dan Black Belt Body Grab Self-Defense:
Body Grab — Two Handed — Frontal:
(5) Pressure Point Strike, Disengage, Throw.
Body Grab — Two Handed — Rear:
(5) Pressure Point Strike, Disengage, Throw.
Frontal Two Handed Choke Hold:
(5) Pressure Point Strike, Disengage, Throw.
Rear Two Handed Choke Hold:
(5) Pressure Point Strike, Disengage, Throw.
(5) Deflection, Throw.
Rear Body Pull:
(5) Pressure Point Strike, Joint Lock.
Bhang Kwon Sul — Advanced Punches Defense:
(10) Straight Punch Deflections, Pressure Point Counter Strike, Throw.
(10) Roundhouse Punch Deflections, Pressure Point Counter Strike, Throw
Countermanding Punch Interceptions:
(5) Straight Punch Interception, Disengage, Throw.
(5) Roundhouse Punch Interception, Disengage, Throw.
(1) Back Fist Interception, Secondary Strike to Pressure Point, Choke Hold.
Po Bok Sul — Rope Submission Techniques:
(3) Straight Punch interception with the rope.
(10) Opponent control techniques.
(4) Choke Hold disengaging, Throw.
Dan Bong — The Korean Short Staff:
(20) Advanced Pressure Point Strikes.
(10) Opponent energy manipulation.
Jung Bong: The Korean Middle Staff:
(10) Advance Strikes to Pressure Points.
(10) Opponent energy manipulation.
Bong — The Korean Long Staff:
1. Staff Form Nine.
2. Staff Form Ten.
3. Advancing in partner combat.
Kumdo: The Korean Art of the Sword:
1. Sword Form Ten.
2. Juk Do — Advancing in partner combat with the bamboo sword.
Kum Kwan Sul — Sword Defense:
Defense Against a Overhead Sword Attack:
(5) Deflect, Counter Strike to a Pressure Point.
Defense Against a Side Sword Attack:
(5) Deflect, Counter Strike to a Pressure Point.
4th Dan Black Belt Requirements:
General Knowledge:
1. Approximately four years of training since 3rd Dan promotion.
2. Demonstration of all techniques of all the previous ranks.
3. Advanced knowledge of Pressure Point Theory, Ki Gong, and Ki-Hand.
4. Demonstration of good character and martial responsibility.
5. Advanced understanding of teaching Hapkido.
6. Advanced knowledge of Hapkido weapons.
7. Written thesis of no less than twenty-five pages detailing a specific aspect of Hapkido.
Sa Dan Hosin Sul — 4th Dan Self-Defense Techniques:
At this stage of Hapkido the practitioner no longer desires to enter into a blow-by-blow contest with an opponent. Instead, all aggressive force is deflected. Long periods of training is given over to manipulating the aggressive energy of an attacking opponent.
Advanced Opponent Manipulation:
(5) Frontal Assault — realignment of opponent's momentum driven energy.
(5) Side Assault — realignment of opponent's momentum driven energy.
(5) Rear Assault — realignment of opponent's momentum driven energy.
Dan Bong — The Korean Short Staff:
1. Advanced Dan Bong understanding.
Jung Bong: The Korean Middle Staff:
1. Advanced Jung Bong understanding.
2. Advanced partner combat
Bong — The Korean Long Staff:
1. Advanced Bong Understanding.
2. Advanced partner combat.
Kumdo: The Korean Art of the Sword:
1. Advancing Kumdo understanding
2. Advanced partner combat with the bamboo sword — Juk Do.
Kum Kwan Sul — Sword Defense:
Defense Against a Overhead Sword Attack:
(10) Deflect, Counter Strike to a Pressure Point, Joint Lock.
(10) Deflect, Counter Strike to a Pressure Point, Throw.
Defense Against a Side Sword Attack:
(5) Deflect, Counter Strike to a Pressure Point, Joint Lock.
(5) Deflect, Counter Strike to a Pressure Point.
5th Dan Black Belt Requirements:
General Knowledge:
1. Approximately five years of teaching since 4th Dan promotion.
2. Demonstrated mastery of all techniques of all the previous ranks.
3. Advanced knowledge of Pressure Point Theory, Ki Gong, and Ki-Hand.
4. Demonstration of good character and martial responsibility.
5. Advanced understanding of teaching Hapkido.
6. Advanced mastery of Hapkido weapons.
7. Written thesis of no less than twenty-five pages detailing a specific aspect of Hapkido.
The Hapkido practitioner upon achieving the level of 5th Dan is no longer formally schooled in the mastery of new self-defense techniques. At this level, the practitioner is believed to be a Master of the art and, therefore, is understood to be his own best instructor. Thus, new understandings are gained by continually expanding upon the internal knowledge of self-defense, opponent energy manipulation, and advanced Ki Gong understanding through less formal methods.
Hapkdio Above the 5th Dan.
Whereas, other traditional Korean martial arts such as Taekwondo and Tang Soo Do have forms, known in Korean as Poomse or Kyung, which is why their high rank promotion testing is performed by having the practitioner perform the appropriate form, sparring, and demonstrating the various techniques of the art. Hapkido does not possess the formalized movements of forms, however. Therefore, when an advanced rank promotion test, post the 5th Dan level, is formally organized, the judges grade the practitioner by observing the fluidity of their movement when attacked by various, non defined, non expected, offensive techniques by single and multiple attackers and how well the individual is able to use the expended energy of the attackers against themselves.

Copyright © 1978, 1989, 2000 — All Right Reserved.
No part of this may be used without the expressed permission of Scott Shaw or his representatives.