Lingerie Kickboxer
A Scott Shaw - Donald G. Jackson - Julie Strain Zen Film

Lingerie Kickboxer is a film that was Written, Produced, and Directed, in a collaborative effort, by Julie Strain, Donald G. Jackson, and Scott Shaw.

Entertainment Tonight did a feature presentation on this film.

The stars of Lingerie Kickboxer include: Julie Strain, Kevin Eastman, Jeff Hutchinson, Lydia Schone, Brittany Andrews, and Fantasia among others.

This film is wild ride through the nether-world of championship kickboxing.


The concept for Lingerie Kickboxer was conceived by Scott Shaw. The story was developed by Scott Shaw and Donald G. Jackson several years before the movie was actually filmed in 1998. The team had planned to make the film the story of a female secret agent who hid behind the guise of a professional kickboxer. Scott Shaw had the story written out and it was planned to go up several times. Each time, however, something happened and the film was pushed back. Perhaps the most interesting example of this occurred when Scott Shaw and Donald G. Jackson had planned to shoot the entire movie on 35mm film in only twenty-four hours. They planned to do this for many reasons—mostly to prove that an entire 35mm action-adventure could actually be filmed in this short amount of time. Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood, the L.A. Times, and other news sources were scheduled to meet the team at various shooting locations around Los Angeles during that day of filming. The cast and crew were scheduled to meet at 5:30 AM on Saturday morning at the offices of Shaw and Jackson in North Hollywood. At 4:30 AM Shaw received a telephone call from the actress who was scheduled to play the lead role. She told Shaw that she could not make the shoot due to the fact that her boyfriend was having a family reunion in Fresno, California and she had to attend. Due to this girl's actions the shoot for that day had to be shut down. This illustrates how so many people have the chance to make it in Hollywood and throw it away.

Julie Strain and her then husband Kevin Eastman (Co-Creator of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) began a close association with Scott Shaw and Donald G. Jackson in 1997. They did several films together. Due to the fact that Kevin was a practicing kickboxer and had access to a kickboxing studio and Julie had a number of friends who were well-known in the adult industry, the feature was finally filmed in 1998. Upon completion Shaw edited the movie and Jackson gave a copy of it to Kevin and Julie. Though Scott and Don loved the bizarreness of the finished product, Kevin came up with a list of fixes he wanted to add to the film. But, due to various scheduling conflicts, the additional scenes were never filmed.  

Currently, Lingerie Kickboxer is lost in Hollywood Never-Never-Land.

Not only do several well-known actors and actresses appear in this film but former Thai Bantam Weight Kickboxing Champion, Surapuk "Puk" Jamjuntr, (who operates a Kickboxing Academy in Burbank, California) and Kickboxing Champion, Ho-Kim Huynh, also appear in this film.

The poster for Lingerie Kickboxer was created by famed artist and frequent Kevin Eastman collaborator, Simon Bizley. Here is the original art work.

Lingerie Kickboxer

Lingerie Kickboxer Behind the Scenes
View the Scott Shaw Zen Documentary: Lingerie Kickboxer: Behind the Scenes on YouTube.

Lingerie Kickboxer: The Promise and the Paradox

Photographs by Scott Shaw

Lingerie Kickboxer

Julie Strain

Julie Strain

Julie Strain

Julie Strain

Jeff Hutchenson

Lydia Schone

Lydia Schone

Lingerie Kickboxer

Lingerie Kickboxer

Brittany Andrews, Lydia Schone

Lingerie Kickboxer

Kevin Eastman Surapuk Puk Jamjuntr

Julie Limo X

Scott Shaw and Crew Filming Lingerie Kickboxer:
Scott Shaw Julie Strain

Scott Shaw Filming

Scott Shaw Filming

Scott Shaw Filming

Scott Shaw Donald G. Jackson
Donald G. Jackson and Scott Shaw on the set of Lingerie Kickboxer.

Lingerie Kickboxer Lunch
Lunch on the set of Lingerie Kickboxer.

All Photographs Copyright © 1998—All Rights Reserved